me Me ME

Sunday, July 30, 2006

hehe... juz updating abt how i have recently been...

been playing neopets... hehe... well, i played for a reason thou... i playing to stimulate my brain cells... cos haven't use for a long time alr... so need to start to use la... if u were to play the puzzle games, it is actually quite challenging... and when i play the games i used to excel in, i found it so difficult la... see, i am deproving... so needa work my brain....

highly recommended: the mathematical challenge game from farieland... super challenging!!

aiya... wanna write more but then gg out le... so juz stop here for the time being ba...

anyway wanna comment that i am obsessed with ang mohs recently suddenly... haha...

also obsessed with letter writing... very fun lor... i browsed thru my old letters and realised alot of things... (forgot wad alr... my short memory span!! nvm.. i shall think abt it whilst i am out)

to be updated...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

You are alert and your life is full of love. You like to help others and your future lovelife looks very good. You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good. You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
pauline is your Best friend. "22", This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
You like adventure. You are spontaneous and like to please people.

This is the feng shui test that i took from jieyi's blog... well, i think it is quite crappy...

Held a farewell party for yuying today at caren's house... well, we have a great time and everything but at the end of it, when we were leaving caren's house, farah was saying she was gg to cry and then her eyes brim with tears and yy's also... then suddenly, i felt a lump emerging slowly from the throat and i struggled to swallow it...

i dunno why i suddenly feel like crying... i think i am easily influenced by ppl arnd me, by their feelings...

but the prospects of not meeting for the next one yr(which is later mentioned), well yy says she prob be back next june/july, thou i nv tot abt it exactly how long it'd
be, seemed appalling...

well, i rarely think of the future, or even think ahead... when ppl arnd me were fearing exams, i nv see it coming till like maybe 1 week ago... when ppl nw anticipating uni life, i seriously nv hav given it a thought... i juz look forward to it cos i am too bored at home... nv thought wad will happen... when ppl are alr planning what they may wan to do with their life, i still wonder if why did i choose acct... maybe i am influenced by my sis, seeing that acct is a rather safe choice, but another reason is that i dunno wad i wanted... thou i used to say that i wanna go mass comm, but i dun think i really wanted it... i dunno wad i want and there is too lil time to think... when ppl praises this subj then i feel like taking it... there isn't any sense of want, juz succumbing to influence.... sigh...

yups, back to the one yr... well, according to wanx/val, i can't rmb who, she said that it will pass quickly, as we'll all be busy with our stuff and before we know it, it'd one year...

well, i really wonder how each of us will be like after one yr... but i am too lazy to think abt it since i will know it as it comes, no use trying to deduce...

well, think i shall say sth abt yuying... well, i always like her... she's really nice... well, i'd always rmb her asking me whether i am feeling left out when she observes that i did not speak much during our past few meetings... well, i forgot wad i told her... i also can always see that she tries to make me feel involved by maybe suddenly asking for my opinion during the clique's conversations... but i always ended up feeling guilty cos i always shrugged off or give like one/two word(s) opinion(as i said in previous entry, i am not good at conversing) whenever she'd make the effort... but nevertheless, i appreciate her efforts and she makes me feel cared for... yups... so thank you yuying!! i love you!!

bon voyage~!

sigh... as i say that my memory is failing me, juz nw when i was typing my crapping entry, my family members came home, well, i was initially alone at home, then they keep interrupting me and i keep forgetting wad i was gg to say and what i have said...

anyway this is supposed to be an entry on sth, but i forgot... so i shall juz end now and go edit my previous entry(bolding impt pts)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

i still rmb the times when i wad the president of crapping club... i used to crap alot in secondary school... but now, i am losing my skills of crapping... i definitely has degraded from master to brginner...

well, the frens arnd dun really like crap... whenever i crap, they are either disinterested(they may listen for a while then try to change topic) or that they will bs me... so i dun really crap nowadays... as u can see, i either crap or i will indulge in talking abt my views and beliefs on issues(as u can see in my blog), so basically, if u take away crapping from me, i have nth to talk abt cos i prefer not to share my views and beliefs as i think it is awkward to talk abt them suddenly cos the topic of conversation is never near there... so i usu keep quiet and listen...

well, u may choose to disagree with me, but i really feel that i dun talk alot nowadays... but it is not that i am complaining that i dun feel comfortable with my frens, i am adpating well and i enjoyed listening to them talking as i learn from them how to hold a normal conversation... i dun really know how to talk to ppl, so i usu juz crap my way thru... but as i am getting closer to them, craps dun do the tricks as the topics are more indepth and it is inappropriate to slot in a crap...

anyway juz sth i tot of and i decided to slot in, in case i forget later, i hate it when ppl think my crap is ridiculous and laugh at it, thou they ARE ridiculous, but if they are my frenz, i will juz forgive them and not be unreasonable... but really, i am appealing to my frenz, pls respect the craps that i said, cos as u see, not everyone can crap, u have to come with the crapping talent, or learn under a crapping expert(well, i used to be one, and i really have disciples), so basically it is not easy to crap... crapping is like a kind of art, well, maybe unusual art, so respect it and respect the craps that a person is crapping abt, and DUN laugh or giggle at it... it is an insult to the piece of crap and the crapping who wasted so much time to think up a piece of crap and then bother to share it with u... u shld feel honoured that a crapper is willing to share his/her crap with u...

(this part is to reinforce the above point, i did not forgot wad i said juz now) well, i alwaz feel irritated when ppl giggle(as in mock) or juz waved me off when i am crapping... i seriously feel insulted as i think they are not respecting me and depriving me my rights to crap... i mean i dun crap for nth, i crap cos like there is an unwanted silence and i wanted to fill it up and my kindness is left unappreciated when they juz perform the above actions stated...

maybe i juz hate it when ppl giggle, whether they mean it anot, i juz feel that they are mocking me...

okay.. back to the point, yup, i was saying i am forgetting how to crap so i dun usu talk now, and i am now learning how to make conversations so that one day i am able to talk again...

but really, i love crapping, not in the sense that i love to crap, but crapping itself... when i was younger, i nv know how to make/hold conversations, thus, i dun really have any fren... the frs 3 mths of my pri sch i do not hav any fren nor hardly did i tok to anyone cos i dunno the technique to tok.. even when i got a fren, i usu juz listen, and reply when they ask me a question... it is until one day i utter some nonsense and everyone is impressed and humored by it that i realised crapping is a way to socialise.. since then, i started utilised my crapping talent and got myself many friends...

it is ok in the beginning as u know, u juz crap with friends... i mean crapping juz get u frens but not close frens(in sims, u will juz increase the short term relationship bar but the long term increases very slowly or not even increase)... when friends become closer, crapping dun seemed to do the trick(as i mentioned above, crapping dun fit in the conversations)... as i dunno the way/technique/method to converse, i usu remain quiet... so ya, when u find me usu quiet, that means u r my close fren... well, of course i am not saying when i tok alot to u then u are not my close fren... i mean maybe u are the quiet type thus, i gotta crap to keep the communication gg... if u are the talkative type, then i will juz let u ratter on...

ok... i've decided to come back to the topic... well, basically i wanna tok abt crapping as i have forgotten how to crap... so ya, i shall speak abt some past memories of crapping.... i started crapping at arnd p4, but that is natural crapping
(like the craps oozing out of me without me realising)... at that time, i usu dun initiate any conversation, i juz reply to wad ppl/frens arnd me say... then when i got to sec sch, my rvco perc seniors unleashed my crapping talent... it is complicated to say how, but when someone speak alot of crap to me and i reply perfectly to their craps by crapping, suddenly it came upon me that i can crap... so i crap and got to know many frens in rvco, some are also master crappers like who i used to be(juz making a pt here, only natural crapper can make it to the master standard, eg, me, bek, yihui, yanjun, my yeye, who all deserved my highest respect)... yup, mixing with these master crappers leads to the golden age of my crapping period in which i am very skilled in crapping that i attained the master level and start a crapping club which takes in disciples like cherie and feiling...

but when i left rv and ended up in jc, sadly to say, i cant find any master crappers arnd me, thus causing me to slowly deteriorate... thou i did find some crappers( eg, weiqi, cg, vic), well, weiqi is a natural but yet to attain masters, cg and vic are not natural as u can see that they crap for the sake of crapping, so my crapping standard degraded to intermediate... then after i left jc, due to wad i mentioned above, i am now a trainee... (mind u, ranks of crapping lvl are as such: master, expert, intermediate, beginner, trainee, baby then cmi, cmi meaning that even if u bother to learn, u can nv crap cos u juz cmi, i dropped 2 lvl when i jc then 1 more after jc)

U may ask why level of crapping may drop... well, anything needs practice, even if u are a natural, u still need to practice... however, natural will be able to sustain u at least at beginner lvl...

so now, i am blunt in crapping and starting to learn to make conversation... becos i relied on crapping and nv bother to learn how to converse, now i am lousy at my communication skills...

so depressing...

Recently suffering from a case of bad memory or shld i say memory loss... As pointed out from several frenz, esp pauline and siling, that i asked a question 3 times in one min and that it was when i was the one who had come up with the answer to the question... every thing i say i repeated it at least twice becos i hav forgotten that i have said it before...

entries of blog that i planned to write often forgotten... story development of stories i am writing forgotten, even when i had alr briefly wrote down the details... i can't even rmb wad i was thinking...

decided to eat choc... so i walk from my living rm to kitchan, less than 10 stpes away i supposed, and when i reached the kitchan, i thought to myself furiously of wad i am trying to do... i didn't even got any closer to the fridge...

but strangely, my memory will come back to me, but at inappropriate times... when i rmb what things i was gg to write in my entry, i was alr halfway thru a new one... when i rmb i wanna eat choc, i alr got my hands on a cup of lime juice...

i really hope it is not a sickness... it used to be mild during the school days, but it is getting worse now... maybe i am not using my brains nowadays, that's why... but then going to bathe but forgetting to take towel such that i walk from the bathroom to the cupboard for 6 times before i can finally bathe, as each time i wondered away from the bathroom, within 3 stpes, i forgot why i walk away and have to return to bathroom to see what i was lacking...

i feel like a goldfish seriously... (goldfish has very short memory span that when they swim to one side of the tank, they alr forgot how the other side of the tank looks like...)

think i am getting senile soon... maybe i shld take up mahjong... or drink some red wine... like wad old ppl do... sigh...

Monday, July 17, 2006

This is my entry abt rv... to commemorate its 50th aniiversary....

well, so happy to see mr chng on the newspaper... my fav math teacher!! ok la... on par with my long long... hehe...

erm... rv is the place i considered, well, where i grow up...

well, i learnt alot there, and got frenz there that i supposed will last me a lifetime...

i learnt how to adapt with different types of ppl in different sorts of environment...

i learnt to not to be so timid...

i learnt to crack lame jokes...

i learnt to act friendly...

i learnt to have my own personality....

i gained alot of knowledge and got my foundations firmly built...

i learnt alot from the teachers...

i learnt to be confident...

i learnt learning techniques... like mindmaps...

i learnt many life theories...

i learn percussion...

i learn to watch my behaviour...

i learn to be nice...

i learn to be considerate...

i learn to consider consequences b4 i do stuff...

and many many more....

alot of things i've been doing started frm sec sch... as wad is quoted in newspaper by the current vp, i wont be who i am if i was not in rv...

ya.. i wont be who i am if not for rv... and i am proud to be an rvian... and i really love rv and will forever treasure the time that i spent there...

happy 50th birthday rv!!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

hmmm... recently, i feel that it is quite easy to give up on things... as long as i get myself mentally prepared, almost evth seemed easy to let go of...

I used to be very persistent on things that i want and i have... and i feel that i am still very persistent now... but when i think over it, things can be easily given up... no matter it is my belongings, my wants, desires, friends even dreams...

See, if u get urself prepared, u can let go of it... for belongings and wants, well, they can be easily suppressed as they are juz a thing... u dun usu rmb them for every sec of ur life, u may even only tot of it when u set ur sight on them... some are not even a necessity to u... some said that they cant live without a hp, but look, there are ppl who survived with hp, and they are living perfectly fine... if i were to take away my hp, i supposed i will prepare to live a life without hp then adapt to it and live on... i won't die...

Another example is idol... ya, maybe i am not very crazy over anyone nor any group, the fact that i like some idol or some group is cos i wanna connect to someone, be it my friends or family... so juz take them away from me i am living perfectly fine.. life will juz go on... Or an anime series, addictive as they were, i dun think i cant live without them... well, if u were to ask me to stop all of a sudden, of course i will scream, but if i know it and i prepare myself for it and i think over it, there is no big deal... it is juz a show! i have other interesting stuff in life to prone over~~

Friends, well, whenever i graduate, i know perfectly well that i will distant from my frenz... well, the loss of them still makes me feel sad, cos i am not good enough a fren that they dun wanna keep in contact with me? well, but alr got prepared for frens to drift apart...

there are frens who bother to keep in contact with me, some i make the effort to contact them... cos i am not prepared to let go of them yet...

dreams, well, maybe not giving up, but changing a dream? or to persue it in a more discreet manner, as the secondary priority?

well, why am i saying so much? cos i am giving up things as uni is gg to start... my mom says it cost alot to study in uni so i muz study hard and not get distracted...

thus, below are

Things i am giving up...
1. naruto anime
2. school rumble anime
3. nana anime
4. h&c anime
5. fmp 2nd raid
6. fmp fumoffu
7. a wonderful life
8. a love to kill
9. sudden love
10. goong
11. tokyo juliet
12. first pot of gold
13. smiling pasta
14. naruto manga
15. nana manga
16. pot manga
17. gukuen alice manga
18. bleach manga

well, basically, i am giving up all the entertainment i picked up in the holidays... except ouran high manga(cos i collecting), bleach and ouran anime(cos my sis watching so i shun bian)... well, dun think i will be watching those two animes thou...

19. bleach anime
20. ouran anime

well, i am getting prepared to give it up:D

Disciplined?! well, not really... cos i know i will find more things to do so i better give up some now...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

wanna kiss buffyreg!! haha... he/she uploaded all peisodes of a love to kill on you tube!! love ya!!! now i can watch:D

but youtube loading so slow!! super depressed!!~

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

haha... got so many stuff to do online after i am back from chalet...

1. read soccernet

2. read new chapters of pot and naruto manga

3. start to dl episodes of juliet, magician, h&c 2, ouran, nana

4. check email

5. play neopets... well suddenly feel like playing...

6. read milubing blog


Monday, July 03, 2006

Was reading an article written by a taiwanese analyst on sg...

he says that sg is a small country which is prosperous and with an uncorrupt govt and the ppl get to enjoy stability that other countries which may be more developed than us cannot enjoy...

well, he quoted someone saying that with sg's stability, we can even put our minds into other stuff like cultural development instead of juz focusing on our economy all the time...

ya.. rather right... we can afford to invest time with our cultural activities, our sports etc etc... we can afford time to do the things we like....

there is another quote from a singaporean saying that he wanna thank sg cos sg has make him wad he is now...

i also wanna thank sg... for providing me with such a comfortable home, no worries on natrual disaster, subsidies and grants on education and providing me all the stabilities (poltical + racial)....

i wont be who i am if not for sg... sg has make me into who i am now... and i really really appreciate sg and grateful to be a sg'ean...

painted my nails in a scary manner that even i myself is irritated by it... however, i am not gg to remove the polish;p

painted each of my nail half blue and half sliver vertically...
oh gosh!!

anyway i dun think can watch any movie le... cos no one can make it leh... but nvm la... suddenly dun wanna watch le anyway...

sigh... confirm not gg for any orientation le... shall be low profile;)

hopefully can book chalet successfully...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

haha... gg to contact val and jy so tt have ppl to pei me watch scary movie 4 and king and the clown... hopefully can watch!!

anyway juz finished my 2-weekend-promoter-job... ok la... dun think of it as too bad la... the first week is bad but second week seemed more fun cos maybe i get used to it alr... now finally finished le... yeah!!

sigh... i think the camp all kinda sucks leh... thou the student union one sounds fun but then it is 6d5n... so long la... then the business orientation sound nt fun to me according the the pic last yr... think nt gg any orientation in the end ba...

i am gg to re read all the harry potter books again... ok la.. my last attempt got stuck at globet of fire.. think i shall continue from there... but the books behind nt nice leh... it is so depressing... esp when sirius died!!

sigh... think harry and voldermort will perish tgt..