me Me ME

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Recently suffering from a case of bad memory or shld i say memory loss... As pointed out from several frenz, esp pauline and siling, that i asked a question 3 times in one min and that it was when i was the one who had come up with the answer to the question... every thing i say i repeated it at least twice becos i hav forgotten that i have said it before...

entries of blog that i planned to write often forgotten... story development of stories i am writing forgotten, even when i had alr briefly wrote down the details... i can't even rmb wad i was thinking...

decided to eat choc... so i walk from my living rm to kitchan, less than 10 stpes away i supposed, and when i reached the kitchan, i thought to myself furiously of wad i am trying to do... i didn't even got any closer to the fridge...

but strangely, my memory will come back to me, but at inappropriate times... when i rmb what things i was gg to write in my entry, i was alr halfway thru a new one... when i rmb i wanna eat choc, i alr got my hands on a cup of lime juice...

i really hope it is not a sickness... it used to be mild during the school days, but it is getting worse now... maybe i am not using my brains nowadays, that's why... but then going to bathe but forgetting to take towel such that i walk from the bathroom to the cupboard for 6 times before i can finally bathe, as each time i wondered away from the bathroom, within 3 stpes, i forgot why i walk away and have to return to bathroom to see what i was lacking...

i feel like a goldfish seriously... (goldfish has very short memory span that when they swim to one side of the tank, they alr forgot how the other side of the tank looks like...)

think i am getting senile soon... maybe i shld take up mahjong... or drink some red wine... like wad old ppl do... sigh...


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