me Me ME

Monday, July 03, 2006

Was reading an article written by a taiwanese analyst on sg...

he says that sg is a small country which is prosperous and with an uncorrupt govt and the ppl get to enjoy stability that other countries which may be more developed than us cannot enjoy...

well, he quoted someone saying that with sg's stability, we can even put our minds into other stuff like cultural development instead of juz focusing on our economy all the time...

ya.. rather right... we can afford to invest time with our cultural activities, our sports etc etc... we can afford time to do the things we like....

there is another quote from a singaporean saying that he wanna thank sg cos sg has make him wad he is now...

i also wanna thank sg... for providing me with such a comfortable home, no worries on natrual disaster, subsidies and grants on education and providing me all the stabilities (poltical + racial)....

i wont be who i am if not for sg... sg has make me into who i am now... and i really really appreciate sg and grateful to be a sg'ean...


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