me Me ME

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

sigh... still find no one to pei me watch scary movie... anyone interested pls contact me via hp...

suddenly obsessed with rain cos of his cl song(shou ji)... so nice!!

the songs i wanna listen:
1. nan quan ma ma (suddenly like them i dunno why)
2. fan wei qi new album - our autograph book (ok la... think got one songs abt fren quite meaningful then her songs usu quite ok one...)
3. twins new album - 80days travel arnd the world (not very like la... but juz wanna know some new music)
4. Scandal by vanness and kangta (erm... dun expect much of them la... juz wanna try try their music only)
5. wilbur pan new album - turning the world arnd (erm... not very interested also la... juz wanna show support to sl)

Got another list of shows that i wanna watch but haven't gotten any sources:
1. A love to kill
2. Gong
3. My girl

Haven't watch finish my lu guang sen lin yet lor... not interested suddenly...

Also first pot of gold is soooo erm not nice... think the story is quite lame and is not those funny lame but plain cold lame... sigh...

wanna paint my nails but no time leh.... and also dunno what colour.... anyway i cut my nails cos they are too long and keep bending or breaking or tearing...

my weekend promoter job sucks la... so boring, ppl wont buy, and the standing part is the worst.... my back ache so much la... darn tired... luckily still need to do for this weekend only... but still got 3 days also dreadful:( sigh... muz think of the money...

went to mango today cos got sales and bought a half jacket... dun feel so guilty since i got earn some money... gg to kbox 12 hrs later(money fly away again)... maybe will change to movie? *tries hard to psycho ppl to watch movie with me*


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