me Me ME

Thursday, June 08, 2006

This story takes place in a faraway land.... There exists 2 chalets...

There were 3 good friends by the name of Mary, Alice, and Sandy... Mary and Alice are co-owners and Sandy is the neighbouring owner... Their chalets are separated by a swimming pool...

One day, Mary decides to build a diving board on its side of the swimming pool... and Mary also decides to ask Sandy to contribute to the building of the diving board...

Mary: Sandy, I have decided to build a diving board at my side of the swimming pool, so u shall contribute half the construction fee:D

Sandy: Are u nuts or wad, wad does this stupid diving board gotta do with me... it benefits U and not me...

Mary: If i were to build the diving board, it will attract more customers to my, opps no, OUR chalets:)

Sandy: Well, they will go to UR chalet, what does that gotta do with me? tsk tsk...

Mary: u dun get it do u? it is a tactic to attract more customers... they may go to UR chalet too!!

Sandy: -_-||| No thanks... i would rather spend the money on building the den at my backyard...

Mary: but that den only benefits U!! U always said that we shld always maintain good neighbouring ties... this idea of building a diving board benefits us both and we shld do it tgt... now u are eating ur words?!

Sandy: But i dun see the diving board will bring much benefit to me... the cost of building juz dun pay off... but u can always go ahead urself... i dun mind...

Mary: How can u do that?! I am utterly disappointed in u!! Is it that much our frenship is worth?!! To think that all these years i have been selling coke to u at a low price, and u processed it into coke lite, coke lime and vanilla coke and sell it to me at higher price... I din even argue over that issue with u and u are now arguing with me over a diving board!!

Sandy: That is a different issue... and u also got argue with me over that issue b4 lor... dun act like u din.. Anyway if u say ur diving board can benefit me, my den can also benefit u wad... and i no ask u to pay for my den leh... see i so good, i give u free benefit...

Mary: That, that is not the same!! I dun care, u muz pay for my diving board!!!

Sandy: DUN WAN;p

After some time, Mary decided to retire and let Alice take charge...

Mary: I handover to u le... i shan't interfere the running of the chalet anymore...

Alice: (to herself) As if i believe u....

Nevertheless, Alice smile sweetly to Mary and the handover took place successfully...

After Alice settled down, she decided to give Sandy a call to continue discussion over the diving board...

Alice: U invest in the diving board la...

Sandy: no...

Alice: U invest in the diving board la...

Sandy: No.

Alice: U invest in the diving board la...

Sandy: NO!

Alice: U invest in the diving board la...

Sandy: NO!!!!@!%@#%^#^#@^

So alice tot to herself, this discussion is gg nowhere...

Alice: U dun invest in the diving board la...

Sandy: NO! nonono.... YES! u say one huh, u ask me dun invest one hor, dun blame me later k...

Alice: I....

So things goes on smoothly between this two chalets and things goes happily ever after....

Well, the script writer would like to stop here, but Mary juz wouldn't let him be...

Script writer: I alr give u alot of lines in front le... and the story ended shortly after u are off screen... what u want?

Mary: I very the bored at home la... u continue writing the scripts so i can continue acting leh...

Script writer: But u once said in the story that u wont interfere one!!

Mary: I can juz say "things has gotten too out of hands that i muz speak up":)

Script writer: No wan la... the story so "nong" the readers will get bored one!!

Mary: If u dun continue writing, i ask my lamb to bit u!! (recall: Mary has a little lamb)

As the scriptwriter is afraid of lamb bite, he continues the story...

So the line:
So things goes on smoothly between this two chalets and things goes happily ever after....
Is cancelled x(

When Mary got to know this, she was very pissed...

Mary: Alice!! I tot u say u will continue this great plan i have come up!!! why u cancel it huh?

Before Alice can say anyth, Mary started her non stop hits... it was difficult for Mary who loves talking to stop...

How will this continue? Who knows... even the script wrtier dunno, cos actually he got nth to write alr... so only Mary knows ba...

Disclaimer: This story is purely imaginative... it does not mean to say/imply anything bad abt anyone:)


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