me Me ME

Saturday, July 22, 2006

i still rmb the times when i wad the president of crapping club... i used to crap alot in secondary school... but now, i am losing my skills of crapping... i definitely has degraded from master to brginner...

well, the frens arnd dun really like crap... whenever i crap, they are either disinterested(they may listen for a while then try to change topic) or that they will bs me... so i dun really crap nowadays... as u can see, i either crap or i will indulge in talking abt my views and beliefs on issues(as u can see in my blog), so basically, if u take away crapping from me, i have nth to talk abt cos i prefer not to share my views and beliefs as i think it is awkward to talk abt them suddenly cos the topic of conversation is never near there... so i usu keep quiet and listen...

well, u may choose to disagree with me, but i really feel that i dun talk alot nowadays... but it is not that i am complaining that i dun feel comfortable with my frens, i am adpating well and i enjoyed listening to them talking as i learn from them how to hold a normal conversation... i dun really know how to talk to ppl, so i usu juz crap my way thru... but as i am getting closer to them, craps dun do the tricks as the topics are more indepth and it is inappropriate to slot in a crap...

anyway juz sth i tot of and i decided to slot in, in case i forget later, i hate it when ppl think my crap is ridiculous and laugh at it, thou they ARE ridiculous, but if they are my frenz, i will juz forgive them and not be unreasonable... but really, i am appealing to my frenz, pls respect the craps that i said, cos as u see, not everyone can crap, u have to come with the crapping talent, or learn under a crapping expert(well, i used to be one, and i really have disciples), so basically it is not easy to crap... crapping is like a kind of art, well, maybe unusual art, so respect it and respect the craps that a person is crapping abt, and DUN laugh or giggle at it... it is an insult to the piece of crap and the crapping who wasted so much time to think up a piece of crap and then bother to share it with u... u shld feel honoured that a crapper is willing to share his/her crap with u...

(this part is to reinforce the above point, i did not forgot wad i said juz now) well, i alwaz feel irritated when ppl giggle(as in mock) or juz waved me off when i am crapping... i seriously feel insulted as i think they are not respecting me and depriving me my rights to crap... i mean i dun crap for nth, i crap cos like there is an unwanted silence and i wanted to fill it up and my kindness is left unappreciated when they juz perform the above actions stated...

maybe i juz hate it when ppl giggle, whether they mean it anot, i juz feel that they are mocking me...

okay.. back to the point, yup, i was saying i am forgetting how to crap so i dun usu talk now, and i am now learning how to make conversations so that one day i am able to talk again...

but really, i love crapping, not in the sense that i love to crap, but crapping itself... when i was younger, i nv know how to make/hold conversations, thus, i dun really have any fren... the frs 3 mths of my pri sch i do not hav any fren nor hardly did i tok to anyone cos i dunno the technique to tok.. even when i got a fren, i usu juz listen, and reply when they ask me a question... it is until one day i utter some nonsense and everyone is impressed and humored by it that i realised crapping is a way to socialise.. since then, i started utilised my crapping talent and got myself many friends...

it is ok in the beginning as u know, u juz crap with friends... i mean crapping juz get u frens but not close frens(in sims, u will juz increase the short term relationship bar but the long term increases very slowly or not even increase)... when friends become closer, crapping dun seemed to do the trick(as i mentioned above, crapping dun fit in the conversations)... as i dunno the way/technique/method to converse, i usu remain quiet... so ya, when u find me usu quiet, that means u r my close fren... well, of course i am not saying when i tok alot to u then u are not my close fren... i mean maybe u are the quiet type thus, i gotta crap to keep the communication gg... if u are the talkative type, then i will juz let u ratter on...

ok... i've decided to come back to the topic... well, basically i wanna tok abt crapping as i have forgotten how to crap... so ya, i shall speak abt some past memories of crapping.... i started crapping at arnd p4, but that is natural crapping
(like the craps oozing out of me without me realising)... at that time, i usu dun initiate any conversation, i juz reply to wad ppl/frens arnd me say... then when i got to sec sch, my rvco perc seniors unleashed my crapping talent... it is complicated to say how, but when someone speak alot of crap to me and i reply perfectly to their craps by crapping, suddenly it came upon me that i can crap... so i crap and got to know many frens in rvco, some are also master crappers like who i used to be(juz making a pt here, only natural crapper can make it to the master standard, eg, me, bek, yihui, yanjun, my yeye, who all deserved my highest respect)... yup, mixing with these master crappers leads to the golden age of my crapping period in which i am very skilled in crapping that i attained the master level and start a crapping club which takes in disciples like cherie and feiling...

but when i left rv and ended up in jc, sadly to say, i cant find any master crappers arnd me, thus causing me to slowly deteriorate... thou i did find some crappers( eg, weiqi, cg, vic), well, weiqi is a natural but yet to attain masters, cg and vic are not natural as u can see that they crap for the sake of crapping, so my crapping standard degraded to intermediate... then after i left jc, due to wad i mentioned above, i am now a trainee... (mind u, ranks of crapping lvl are as such: master, expert, intermediate, beginner, trainee, baby then cmi, cmi meaning that even if u bother to learn, u can nv crap cos u juz cmi, i dropped 2 lvl when i jc then 1 more after jc)

U may ask why level of crapping may drop... well, anything needs practice, even if u are a natural, u still need to practice... however, natural will be able to sustain u at least at beginner lvl...

so now, i am blunt in crapping and starting to learn to make conversation... becos i relied on crapping and nv bother to learn how to converse, now i am lousy at my communication skills...

so depressing...


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