me Me ME

Monday, April 24, 2006

Day 1:
Woke up, do some last min checking, then go out and hop onto 858 to changi airport...
Eat popeye(dunno how to spell) and then check in and walk arnd and wait damn long until we can board the plane(like 5 min b4 it fly then we can board)...
On the plane, i was sitting at the window seat.. Was like watching the clouds and scenary until the sun is too bright that we shut the shutter then decided to sleep... As me and my fren have 3 seats all to ourselves, we explore diff ways of sleeping.. hopefully the passengers near us did not ibserve the hugh commotion within ourselves...
Finally reaxched taiwan afetr a long long long long 4.5h ride... so tiring... tw time is same as the sg time... then we alighted and realised why sg is the best airport in the world.. haha... not gg to elaborate here...
Reached our hotel and the taxi unlce was like telling us the place is where the pubs are located!! but it is near the city hall.. so smth like clark quay.. well, all of us cursed the stupid tour centre that we went to... well, but actually the place is quite ok la.. not complicated at all lor... anyway the taxi uncle told us that we are like 10min from shilin, so we decided to go there after we put our stuff..
The hotel room is so small la.. but i suspect is cos of the big bed la.. anyway the place seemed rather comfortable so i decided that size is not a prob...
Finally we head to shilin by cab, as juz nw the taxi uncle analyse that it is faster and cheaper if we go by cab...
So fancinated by shilin.. it is so big and full of food and clothes... there are 2 parts of shilin, one is the food part which is juz across the mtr, the other one is the clothes part... keep eating the shopping non stop.. and one thing abt it is that u wont get lost as it is quite easy to walk... also it is quite familiar as everyone speaks chinese... the clothes are usu priced at nt190 there... the short there are all the shiny shiny type with bold words... also got quite some hongkish style clothes... they also sell alot of jap vcd at nt100, also there are bags selling from nt100-nt250.. all are super nice.. the food there are usu from nt30-nt55... muz try the taiwan xiang chang, super nice! also the hao da da ji pai... it is really ultra big!! the yi kou jian which is like the guo tei is really nice... also there is cong you bing, which is like roti prata and got sauper big octopus ball!! the beancurd jelly is also super nice and the guan cai ban is also very unique.. haha...
Bought super lotsa stuff there b4 we finally go to the hotel...
anyway a point to note that the taxi driver in tw, no matter where, are all very skilled and good at overtaking and drive very fast.. also there is alot of motorcycle there that dive arnd in the alley where u walk.. the traffic lights there are useless as ppl cross when it is red lights and cars move even in green lights..

Day 2:
Went to beitou for the hotspring... hmm... so nice... it is really hot, but comfortable.. also have water flowing down from above to massage ur shoulders... and also massage pool.. there is also the cold pool.. it is super ultra cold la.. very tough to get in but once u get in the only feeling to describe it is SHOIK!!
then after the hotspring, we come to realise that we should only do it at night as we all feel super sleepy...
then we sleep all the way to dan shui, which is pretty near.. anyway the mtr stops are all quite near, like sg's one.. then went to a bakery and fancinated by all the bread.. bought alot of bread to secretly eat on the bus... finally reached the yu ren ma tou, and it is super nice.. the qing ren qiao(lover's bridge) is super beautiful... then there are artist on the bridge to darw portraits of u.. quite cool.. then we went on a cruise ride and it feels like pirate ship thou they keep emphasise that our ship is the most stable one.. erm... finally it calmed down and we enjoyed the beautiful scenary arnd.. it is really nice and the ppl will provide the historical background of the place we see.. anyway eat the ah gei there.. my advice is not to eat it...
after that went to a night market which we suspect is dan shui lao jie and bought alot of food there... got the tei dan and all the snacks to bring home etc etc... there are alot of cuttlefish on sale.. also muz muz muz buy the yu su there.. is fish crackers and it is super super nice la!! also bought sour plums and gan lan there.. went to a shop where the bags are like nt50!!! so cheap!!
then return to hotel to put our stuff and head to ximentng.. Eat ah zong mian xian!! NICE!! hehehe... we shop and shop and at abt 10 / 11pm, cant rmb the time, all the shop closes and we decided to go to... SHILIN again... haha... so we shop and shilin and repeat the food and clothes routine and strangely whenever we go there there are new stalls and new things to buy!! haha.. but the hei gu spoil everything.. haha.. hei gu is like police to catch those illegal stall holders.. so our clothes left and also as it is alr 1.30am and shilin is closing soon then we decided to go back to hotel...

Day 3
Went to jiu fen... juz wanna comment that the train ride is a super long and tedious process and there isn't any map.. so hafta listen carefully for the stop's name.. finally reached there and got into a cab.. the price is rather reasonable la.. like nt100 per pax for the trip to jiu fen + bring u to diff place to sight see and take pic + in the end drop u at the marketplace there to shop.. also one good thing abt the taxi is that there are very familiar with the place and the road.. the ride is really like roller coaster as the mountain road is uneven.. witness an accident there as some driver who is not familiar with the road crashes.. so it is safer to sit cab.. haha... muz buy the yam pastry there and the honey vinegar... nice!! also go eat the ah gan yu yuan... the ah gan yu yuan is located at a super ulu place lor.. but the yu yuan is super nice... the taxi driver recommend one.. then hafta climb lotsa stairs to reach.. above it is actually jiu fen pri sch.. we were commenting the student there very healthy.. haha.. anyway go out of pt abit, taiwan rarely have escalator(even in the city) except the mtr... one taxi driver told us there when the govt wanna build escalator, ppl petition against it somemore...
then we head to wufenpu and died there cos of the tedious train ride to and fro jiufen and also the hot weather and also the never ending streets.. but the things there quite the same and the clothers there cheaper at nt100.. even got one place sell jeans at nt190.. cheap cheap!!
after that went to raohe night mkt... there is full of food, shoes, fortune teller etc... The shoes are cheaper there... The ba la(guava) is very very nice!! Actually ba la is sold everywhere at all night mkt but is juz that we eat it there.. was ultra tired when we reached thereso we juz walk abit then left for hotel to sleep le... btw, there is this black pepper bun/pastry there where the queue is constantly very long... but we no queue cos we are all dying..

Day 4
A slacker day i supposed... woke up early to have breakfast at the breakfast stall... think geylang you tiao stall is abt the same standard lor... but the bao(bun) and man tou super huge...
proceed to zhong lie ci to watch the marching.. take pic with the poor stagnant guard.. haha... then went to cks memorial hall.. it is actually a concert hall.. can see military band, cheerleaders, dancing troups, taichee folks all practising there.. then we went to ximenting to slack as the shops not fully open yet when we reach at 1030... went to starbucks(4storeys) and play cards there hwile enjoying the coffee.. then went to take neo prints b4 we started shopping again.. haha.. their neoprint is abt same price with us but they have quite a few special machine not found in sg... most of the clothes there are priced from nt290 onwards... but the clothes are nicer there la.. bought alot of clothes also..
then after shopping, we went back to hotel to bathe and then went to taipei 101 for dinner and sightsee... quite ex lor.. the view nt bad la but i'll rather spend the money to go to other sightseeing places like yeliu and wulai that i no manage to go.. then the session ended at abt 10pm and guess where we went again?! yes! it is SHILIN again... haha... that place is addictive man... when to do all the last min shopping, buy the hairclips(earrings and necklaces all ex), socks, accessories, pouches and last min clothes shopping and pack the nice nice food there to hotl to eat for our tv marathon... After packing, we watched tv whole night.. then as we drinking choya and we ran out of green tea, we hop to the 7/11 to buy at 3am... haha.. the city is quite empty in the night, but strangely still got quite some cars...

Day 5
Woke up and watch tv and drink choya(again), and eat the left overs from yest(bought too much) and slack till abt 11 to go qian gui(the party world there) to sing k.. the partyworld at out place there open at 2, so we went to ximenting.. they accept my student card and we are charged at student price.. haha... the partyworld is like 20+ storey high and we are on the 11th floor.. the room is very big and spacious and even got toilet attached lor... then we use the keyboard to choose songs instead of remote.. cool!! the sound system super super good there lor!!
After the singing, we went to da bao ah zong mian xian and shop arnd abit b4 we went back to check out and leave for the airport...
On the plane, everyone sleep and sleep and sleep and finally woke up one hour b4 the plane arrive at sg...
Arriving at SINGAPORE, we are again impressed by our very own airport!! hehe.. finally bought some liqueur and hop onto my 858 and head for HOME..


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