me Me ME

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Getting rather happy and pissed recently...

1. The stupid agency bluff me lor... when i book it like promises me the hotel of my choice and evth... then later suddenly call to say that i hav to transfer to another place... at some other place that is 2 stops away from xi meng ting... dunno how far is taiwan mtr stops also.. scarly very long then i will faint... then when we go complain they keep saying "the hotel is up to confirmation"... wah lau.. they didn;t even breathe a word abt it in the first place la!!! WTH!!! ya lor... u all better dun go that agency.. it is call city 99 or sth at chinatown there... lousy!!

2. Becos of the stupid hotel incident, i missed my chance to meet with my JC class clique!! wah lau... and i missed watching ice age... i doubt any of my other fren will watch with me cos they think it is rather childish... so pissed!!

3. my sister dun let me use her oto trimax tx3!!! sad!!

4. met a dumb pig... ask him take pin no to do efile he die die dun wanna go... insisted that can juz go com to do... then keep wasting our time to ask him go... how can u assess to ur acc without pin no. u think we are wad? public toilet ar?!!! juz dump all info then we can differentiate ur shit with the smell?!!! so irritating!! stupid man!!! then he keep saying he no time to do things.. he like wanna go so many places at 4.50 when the whole place is closed at 5... who the hell ask u to come so late!! serve u rite for nt being able to finish everything la... still blame us for wasting ur time to take pin... if u juz shut ur big mouth up and get pin instead of debating with us and wasting our time, things will alr be done... u senseless creature...

1. getting more and more sleep...

2. watched nice vcd / shows

3. yoga is getting fun

4. gg to end work soon

5. gg holidays soon

6. playing sims2

7. the email i am worried abt replied me.. thank god!!

8. someone is so appreciative of my service at the end he came over to give me a handshake.. feels so honoured and appreciated... thou u keep hearing ppl say thanks but it is quite diff to see someone very satisfied with ur service and even shake hands with u to honour u rite;p


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