me Me ME

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hmm.. listening to qing dian de shen(a very tall tale) soundtrack.. so nice~~

Recently tot of so much to write, but whenever i go online, i forgot all abt wad i am i trying to do..

Since i am listening to a very tall tale's sound track, i as well write abt it lor.. Recently, i can't help but keep reflecting on every show that i have watched.. i dunno what's wrong with me, cos i usu dun care much, like watch le then forget.. dunno wad's happening to me.. maybe i no use brains for too long le, so my brain is trying to find sth to do.. haha..

Personally, i think this movie do nt have much content nor logic.. basically, u juz go there to get amused by nicholas tse who acts gay etc.

Actually i think the story is quite sad(despite me laughing during the movie), in the end they were separated, with one being human while the other being horse.. I feel very sad for them, they truely love each other yet they are unable to be tgt.. well, it can be said tt they shldn't be tgt since one shld be a divine figure who cannot fall in love while other is an alien who shldn't even be there in the first place.. but isn't this part of fate that they ended up tgt? Why dun the heavens juz exile them to some ulu planet, why muz they be so sadistic.. juz like niu lang and zhi nu, muz separate them and let them meet once in a year.. Isn't tt very evil of them? so wad continue to give them the rights to be Gods which all respect when they are so cold blooded?

So they are very noble to give up personal love for the general love of all??

Well, then they are juz being cruel to those who love them..

Some have to be sacrificed for the sake of the general good rite?

To sacrifice the minority for the sake of majority..

So is this how the world works?


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