me Me ME

Thursday, December 29, 2005

To jieyi, i dun wanna continue the chain but i give u some face and do task no. 1 lor..

Rules of the game:
1. Post 5 weird/random stuff about yourself.
2. At the end, list the names of 5 people whom you want next to do this, and leave a comment "YOU ARE TAGGED!" in their blog and tell them to read your blog for rules.

Wierd stuff 1:
I have spilt personality!!
I am very different when i am in the morning as compared to when i am at night.. in the morning, i am a devil.. i like to suan ppl, like to scold ppl, like to shout at ppl, like to talk loudly, like to gossip, any bad things, u can link to me.. but at night i am an angel, i am sensitive, thoughtful, nice, sweet, caring and all the good stuff(but nv hmuble;p).. Actually i dunno abt it one, but that's wad one of my fren told me.. then i realise.. maybe as u all are reading this blog u may not recognise me, cos perhaps i usu write blog at nite, that's why i sounds different from the person that u all noe.. and i can write such clever things that i dun even know how come my mind think liddat..
Hmm. i suppose everyone has a spilt personality, one being who u wanna be and one being who u truely are..

Wierd stuff 2:
Whenever i am making major decision, i will think of my fav phrase "where ever u go, go with all ur heart" .. Then i will ask myself if my heart is willing to go all the way and then i make the decision

Wierd stuff 3:
I told alot of ppl but no one believe me!! I am actually a VERY QUIET AND PASSIVE person.. I DUN LIKE TO TALK..

Wierd stuff 4:
When i am young, i used to make my own textbk from young generation magazines or newspaper to impart knowledge to my soft-toys.. I guess being a teacher was my dream..

Wierd stuff 5:
I always want to have a mafia bf, must be those leader one, dun wan those sidekicks.. haha.. then he must die somehow such that he can be my unrequited love..


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