me Me ME

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Very sian.. no more stuff to watch... in the end now doing quizzes... well, decided not to flood my blog again like last time.. so i shall only put up selected ones..

What Type of PRINCESS ARE YOU????????(beautiful anime pics)

brought to you by Quizilla

You are a sea princess- make way 4 the princess of salt water. u luv water or anytin that has 2 do wit water. i hope u get ur fish u r dyin 2 get

Hmm.. Hope fishes won't bite me;p

What does your innerself look like?(girls only)

brought to you by Quizilla

Congrats your innerself is fun and outgoing,you are cute and friendly and kind to many people.You don't like it when people insult your friends and you don't take it very well either.The guys like you because both your personality and looks.

Hehe.. so pretty!!

What mythological creature are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

"Tell it in rhythmic continuity. Detail by detail the living creatures.
Tell it as must, the rhythm solid in the shape.
Woman. Arms lifted. Shadow eater."
Fairies are old creatures of legend. They usually portray nature and beauty. You love animals and the outdoors. You appreciate the earth and all its creatures. You enjoy the company of others and love to talk. You have many friends constantly surrounding you, but only a select people are your true fruends. Sadness is your weakness and your enemy. You enjoy life and can often times be vain.

Hmm.. true.. hahaz

What were YOU in your past life? (pictures, detailed results,everyone can take it)

brought to you by Quizilla

You were a teacher! Strict,but funny, you taught children how to play musci and sing the most lovely songs.
Instructor: You took music seriously and hated it when others didn't. You taught your students the best, and never stopped playing music. You knew how to love, and soon found one. You love to play her your songs, and she loves to sing to them.
Intructress: Singing was you field of teaching. You loved to hear the children sing. You taught them the best. The children loved you because of your kind nature,but you felt something was missing. Yous oon found it, for it was love. Both of you died happily.
Flower:Lotus Flower
Colour:Pure White

Erm.. maybe it is true? Rmb i once said when i was young i like to pretend to be a teacheR?

What type of Dancer are you? (there are pics!!)

brought to you by Quizilla

you are a lot like ballet but you are more fluid. You move to the beat INSIDE of you. Whatever the music moves you to do, your body does. YOu are in touch with yourself and very moved by many things in your life.

Hmm.. Cool:)

What Tarot Card are you Most like?

brought to you by Quizilla

You are The Fool. You are smart, always ready to learn more, but you don't quite know enough to be afraid of new things.Innocent in your wisdom, wise in your innocence.

Oh no.. i dun wanna be a fool!!

::.What feeling are you trying to hide?.:: (awesome pictures/Updated!)

brought to you by Quizilla

You are hiding pain!
Your heart is deeply hurt and confused. You strive to be the happy, fun-loving person you once were but fail. Something in your life may have hurt you so deeply that you cannot seem to pull yourself back together and are constantly on the verge of falling apart. You are seemingly in a sea of darkness, in search of the light.


reily smith
what is your favorite kind of guy

brought to you by Quizilla

You Have Reily Smith he is a great guy and he is a sweet guy and he has a really nice personality have fun with him.

Wow.. damn handsome.. but who's tt? I still like those on my msn pic;p

What wings do you have(cool anime pics)[4 girls]

brought to you by Quizilla

You have white wings.U are caring and nice.



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