me Me ME

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Super happy today... thanks for everyone who wishes me happy birthday and/or celebrated my birthday with me...

I sincerely believed that few will know of my birthday or even rmb them but i am very very surprised to receive quite some sms and tags from my frens...

what surprises me and touches me the most is that my tutorial grp, which consist of ppl that i know for barely 3 weeks actually have a birthday celebration for me at swensons tgt with our grp outing... i only know of it as a grp outing initially and i dun expect anyone to know that it's my birthday today... when some of them wishes me happy birthday during the outing, i was pretty surprised... but the most surprising part is when i see a cake approaching, carried by one of the tut mate and then everyone suddenly stand to sing birthday song for me... i was super super super surprise and happy and touched at the same time... then when i was asked to make a wish, i was at a loss but eventually settled with the wish that i'll be with this tut grp(or ttu grp with ppl as wonderful as them) for the next 3 yrs... oh man... i really love my tut grp!!


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