me Me ME

Friday, August 18, 2006

hehe... feeling rather happy today since it is friday!! Waahahahaha....

now finally got time to catch up with everything... now trying to install a program that teaches me how to use excel and access... but think got some prob lor... wah lao...

today keep getting lost in ntu and almost got murdered by hx cos i keep misleading her and end up both of us paiseh cos ended up in wrong venue and gotta walk out and late for the class... opps... haha...

anyway the pimples on my forehead seemed to be ceasing.. happy happy...

think i muz cut down on tv and start making a timetable for everyday... seemed like i watched tv from 7-10 everyday... so evil of me...

oh ya... today is a lucky day... finally get to see yihui and yingmei in school... haha... even had lunch with yihui... and shouted ym's name from afar... heh heh... cool man... also saw ming ming on the way home la... so happy to chat with her:D feel so relieved that she is not abducted by alien... hehe... then on my way home realised that cherry actually lives at admiralty... haha... got ppl pei me sit train all the way home... she actually lives in same condo as jiemin... haha...

and i painted my nails... hehe.. it's very nice lor...

happy day!!


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