me Me ME

Thursday, August 31, 2006

haha... juz realised that my group blog still survived after so many years... haha... so exciting... now got one more blog to manage...

anyway watched The Devil Wears Prada.... it is a super nice show!! i think the plot is very interesting and there are some very nice twist and well, abit of touching relationship btw the 2 female leads... and of course, it is rather amusing at times, well and breath-taking as u see Miranda stating all her demands, criticism, schedule and etc in one breath... haha... also there is super alot of gorgeous clothes and shoes and bags and accessories in the movie...

super nice show but i shan't reveal much cos i dun wanna have any spoilers since i expect u all to watch this ultra nice movie...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happy Birthday to my lao gong!! hehe:D

Monday, August 28, 2006

Celebrated my birthday with val, caren, huixian and jiemin today... hehe... they planned a surprise for me... thank you very much!!

oh val, dun worry, i like the bracelets la... dun be disappointed k...

anyway my com is jammed la... take so long to open a file... well, the file is quite big la... super bored waiting for it to load...

Bad sore throat -----> cough + blocked, sometimes running nose...

why am i still blogging at 3am??

cos i am clearing disc space... haha... then the stuff loading and i got nth to do... del alot of stuff and moving stuff from one drive to another... also uninstalling some programmes...

shld i join cldds? but the interview time is 7.30pm... darn lazy....

Saturday, August 26, 2006

bad sore throat....

anyway to my friends... i have invited u all to IMVU, which is this 3D messenger... i think is super nice to chat there... so pls all go and dl it k... then we can chat there.... heh heh...

Realised i kept true to most of my my promise, rmb abt the emtry some time back, i listed a catalogue of things to give up:

Things i am giving up...
1. naruto anime (done)
2. school rumble anime (done)
3. nana anime (done)
4. h&c anime (done)
5. fmp 2nd raid (done)
6. fmp fumoffu (done)
7. a wonderful life (done)
8. a love to kill (done)
9. sudden love (done)
10. goong (this is not done, but i have finished watching it is 2 days... so this temptation is over... )
11. tokyo juliet (done)
12. first pot of gold (done)
13. smiling pasta (done)
14. naruto manga (done)
15. nana manga (done)
16. pot manga (done)
17. gukuen alice manga (done)
18. bleach manga (done)
19. bleach anime (done)
20. ouran anime (done)

Friday, August 25, 2006

hehe... i got a new email account...

anyway juz went for archery... super fun la.. thou i like have very bad aim... my first shot almost shoot out of the range... haha... but getting better with each shot la... so not so bad...

wah lao... i super feel like playing basketball these days but dun hav any kakees to join me leh... i dun mind swimming and badminton also... feel free to ask me out for these...

anyway i got 2 pairs of new slippers... so happy:D

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Super happy today... thanks for everyone who wishes me happy birthday and/or celebrated my birthday with me...

I sincerely believed that few will know of my birthday or even rmb them but i am very very surprised to receive quite some sms and tags from my frens...

what surprises me and touches me the most is that my tutorial grp, which consist of ppl that i know for barely 3 weeks actually have a birthday celebration for me at swensons tgt with our grp outing... i only know of it as a grp outing initially and i dun expect anyone to know that it's my birthday today... when some of them wishes me happy birthday during the outing, i was pretty surprised... but the most surprising part is when i see a cake approaching, carried by one of the tut mate and then everyone suddenly stand to sing birthday song for me... i was super super super surprise and happy and touched at the same time... then when i was asked to make a wish, i was at a loss but eventually settled with the wish that i'll be with this tut grp(or ttu grp with ppl as wonderful as them) for the next 3 yrs... oh man... i really love my tut grp!!

Monday, August 21, 2006

yeah... happy happy... i finally caught up with everything that i needed to catch up... haha... lalala....

except there is this IT software that i am supposed to install with will gimme tutorial on how to use excel and access... hmm, there are persistent script error so i can nv load the prog... hmm... sads... hopefully the support person will answer to my query asap...

well, i dunno whether i shld go all the way to ntu for this cac public affairs interview anot... well, it sounded fun for a cca but then do i want to travel 2 r for a possibly 15min interview? and i might not even get selected la... most importantly, it is that i am rather lazy... but then it sounded fun leh...

dilemma now.. with 45min more to decide whether i shld go anot... i think i needed some persuasion... haha.. should i or shouldn't i?

Friday, August 18, 2006

hehe... feeling rather happy today since it is friday!! Waahahahaha....

now finally got time to catch up with everything... now trying to install a program that teaches me how to use excel and access... but think got some prob lor... wah lao...

today keep getting lost in ntu and almost got murdered by hx cos i keep misleading her and end up both of us paiseh cos ended up in wrong venue and gotta walk out and late for the class... opps... haha...

anyway the pimples on my forehead seemed to be ceasing.. happy happy...

think i muz cut down on tv and start making a timetable for everyday... seemed like i watched tv from 7-10 everyday... so evil of me...

oh ya... today is a lucky day... finally get to see yihui and yingmei in school... haha... even had lunch with yihui... and shouted ym's name from afar... heh heh... cool man... also saw ming ming on the way home la... so happy to chat with her:D feel so relieved that she is not abducted by alien... hehe... then on my way home realised that cherry actually lives at admiralty... haha... got ppl pei me sit train all the way home... she actually lives in same condo as jiemin... haha...

and i painted my nails... hehe.. it's very nice lor...

happy day!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Rantings of complains on ntu...

bought $200 worth of textbooks... quite depressing... sigh...

sigh... i think i can feel the work load coming up alr lor... thou i can finish the tutorials, i hardly can find any time (or shld i say motivation?) to read the textbook chapters... so tired after this actual first week of sch(comprises of both tut and lec)...

when shuk ask me how's sch, i said the word "stress"... sigh... i have nv had this kinda feeling on the beginning of school term before, be it sec sch or jc... i supposed i need abit of time to adjust to this schooling life after resting for like 8 mth...

moreover, i have different tut grp for diff classes.... everyone else seemed to be in the same tut grp for all their classes except me... in that case, i dun get to know the ppl in my classes at all or even have the chance to talk to them... no one seemed interested to interact... the only thing that i am glad abt is that i have hx with me for most classes...

List of things that makes me stressed:
1. money
2. textbooks yet to read
3. tutorials to be prepared
4. class participation (well, u have to contribute in class, then u always have to be on the lookout for chance... it is like 5% of the grade!)
5. dunno the classmates
6. have to check email and edventure to print notes everyday
7. everyone is speaking el to me... when i speak cl i seemed to be speaking foreign lang...
8. TIRED... not used to the lifestyle...

well, i think i am getting so tensed up and academic minded... i need friends to make me feel relax in this environment...

saw this on yh's blog...

Sleep = nourisher of life's feast (Macbeth)


Was with hx today walking at carpark then i commented on this car that i think looks nice.... then someone like activate the car...

and a student walked up from behind to retrieve that car... wah lao... so paiseh, i was still saying so loudly... but he is so darn rich la... got car... sigh... i greatly regreted not gg up to make fren so that maybe i can get a lift home... wahahahahaha....

nvm... i supposed that guy will juz knock me down with his car if i do so... haha...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

wah lao... i am not into buddhism la... u all only read the first line rite... juz taking up some concepts from it wad.. hehe... i am starting up my kacheek sect... who is interested???

anyway juz saw this fear factor thingy in ntu... quite interesting lor... haha... eat crickets and cockroaches... i ate a sample grasshopper... haha... taste like ikan bilis... haha... anyway the mc damn shuai and eloquent... that's y i stand there for so long... haha...

below is some words from sl who is as bored as me in the free assess lab:
kq is damn agitated when she type this entry ... the keyboard is almost spoilt by the time i use it ... and attracted so many ppl's attention cos she was laughing like a mad woman when she was typing ... especially the part on the SHUAI and ELOQUENT mc ... i so throw face sitting beside her ... haiz ... oh ya ... she pang sei me cos of the MC lor ... anyw rmb to help me take my pan wei bo tml ... if not i shall kill you ... haha ... k la .. she rushing me to go popular ... urgh ... shall stop and continue later ...
come back le ... she so throw face on the way to popular again ... first at the door she bump into ppl ... causing such a big commotion ... den along the way keep laughing and laughing like mad ... haiz ... soon the whole school will noe her due to her loudness and AAness ...

I am back...
wah lao... that sl no better la... she misled me on the way to pop... hai us go one "small" round before reaching... i laugh cos she's being totally amusing la... if not for her i wouldn't have laugh lor... so she's the cause for evth...

PS: PPL don't believe wat she say ... u all should understand tat she is originally like tat

Friday, August 11, 2006

hmm, no kickboxing course... suan le... i am contented with archery...

hmm, easily contented... another zen feel... hehe..

maybe i shld juz start my own sect with my sets of beliefs:

1. Be contented with what you have

2. Dun inflict on others what u do not desire

3. Reduce your desires

4. Not to harp

5. Where ever u go, follow your heart

well, more to be added... haha...

hmm... think i am gg into zen and buddhism one of these days...

have been thinking that everything is nothing in fact... and there is nth that i shld harp on, to desire for...

as i said in previous entry, i found that giving up is not as difficult as i used to think it is... i find that i am more able to let go of things, to see that certain things come and go, even if u cling on to them for that momnet, eventually as time passed, u will find it slipping away from u...

no more favourites for me, cos i know i will eventually grew tired of them and then change for a new one...

well, but i supposed i am still far from it... cos i still can't let go of all my desires yet...

hmm, watched this taiwanese variety show on tv yest... the ppl were discussing abt whether ppl are courteous...

there is this guy who work as a waiter says that there was once a customer who is super unreasonable(rude, shout at the waiter for nth, think he's so big, demand for a change of the dish served cos the food are not placed as nicely as he expected it to be etc), the fellow waiters and even the chef decided to dirtied the food with dirt on the floor before serving it to the customer...

u reap what u sowed...

told my mom abt this incident, then she told me abt this incident that happens in sg, like a food vendor who spit into the customer's food as the customer is super unreasonable... the food seller called into hte radio station to discuss this bold action with the dj... well, then many wrote in to the newspapers' forum to criticise the person's action...

well, my view is, u reap what u sowed... well, if u are not a bad customer, i believe no one will bother to be evil to u... thou i feel that spitting is very unhygenic.. i certainly feel the customer, no matter how unreasonble he/she is, should not deserve this and it is wrong of the food vendor to spit since diseases may spread... but lets put aside the right and wrong and review the incident... if the customer were to be nicer in the first place, none of these would have happened...

even if u are a customer, and u paid for the service, dun think of urself as a GOD... dun demand too much of others cos the ohters who are serving u are mere humans, not angels...

out of so many things confucius said, i believed strongly in one thing...

"ji suo bu yu, wu shi yu ren"

well, it means that wad u feel is undesirable and dun wan it to happen to u, u don't inflict it upon others..

put yourselves in other's shoe before u act, when u are the customer, think, of how the service provider will feel if u get too demanding... when u are the service provider, think of wad u will feel, if u paid and get lousy service, or get food that was spit into...

same thing applies to many conflicts arnd the world, if both parties were to put themselves in each other's shoe, i supposed many conflicts would not have even surfaced in the first place, and many conflicts would have been resloved...

well, lets start it with ourselves, before u act, think of this principle, think "would i mind if someone do the same thing to me?" if everyone were to do their own part, and perhaps peace will spread...

today is a rather happy day...

firstly, well, it's a friday... when u go school, fri is always happy:D

hmm, bought my textbooks today and printed my notes... feel so relieved... like finished a task... happy...

and the archery ppl replied to my email, thus yy and i will be gg for the basic archery course!~! weeeee.... so happy... THANK YOU JIEYI!! hehe... thanks cos u help us compose the email... love ya!! well, now waiting for the pretty tuff to reply to my kickboxing course... well, jiajia says she will help me as the snr and get back to me asap...

so conclusion: A happy day:)

hmm, networking is impt hur... i supposed so... haha... glad that i make the effort to know many ppl when i was in sec/jc... and also glad that i am highly recogisable and rememberable... haha... see the illustation below:
went to school on thurs to pei yy lunch then print notes... but she gotta leave at 130 while my lessons only started at 230... i was left alone with an hour to go:( so as i wondered out of the library, i saw FEILING!! haha... so happy, got ppl pei me... then we walk arnd then she lead me to south spine cos i am a direction idiot, then she gotta go since she got driving lessons... it was 2pm... so i got 30min all alone:( but wait, i saw another fellow ex-CLDDS member... haha... so juz went over to chat with her and her fren until lecture starts... not bad, got to refresh my relationships with 2 ppl over the period of 1 hr... that's why i love to know ppl and have frenz... so that i can bump into ppl and pester them to talk to me when i am alone.. heh heh...

thou i can fairly well cope being alone, or may even loved to have some time all alone, but i wuld prefer to have ppl arnd me, to talk to or to listen to;p

tend to be a loner but hate to be alone...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

hmm, finally started uni life...

well, got to know the tutoria's mates of one of my tutorials on frs day.. they all seemed to be nice ppl...

well, i have 2 lectures this week... lectures is 2 LONG hours... i supposed my lecturers are quite good, the first lecturer is good la, someone u can learn alot from her i supposed... the second one is entertaining... haha... he's quite humorous(maybe he dun intend to but i find him so) and he also includes funny video clips in his slides....

well, i supposed the lecturers gotta be of good quality since they earned so much... haha...

well, this is the description for august baby...

Outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. No self-control. Kind hearted. Self-confident. Loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. Easy to get along with and talk to. Has an "every thing's peachy" attitude. Likes talking and singing. Loves music. Daydreamer. Easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. Loves to be loved. Hates studying. in need of "that someone". Longs for freedom. Rebellious when withheld or restricted. Lives by "no pain no gain" caring. Always a suspect. Playful. Mysterious. "charming" or "beautiful" to everyone. stubborn. curious. Independent. Strong willed. A fighter.

hmm, wad's every thing's peachy attitude? "no pain no gain" caring? Always a suspect?? haha.. funny...

Friday, August 04, 2006

okok... finally continuing wad i was gg to say in my previous entry...

hmm... was gg to say i went thru my letters, and then realised i loved to compose alot of stuff last time... now i rarely do such stuff le, cos no time and no inspiration and lazy... sigh... but i really think the thing i composed last time are so lame and funny and cute... heh heh...

also went thru my letters and found out that i used to write letter to this snr, who i lost contact since 4/5 yrs ago... we were like so close, but drifted apart by time and space... feels quite sad after a looked thru the letters we sent, like we tok abt our problems and sometimes gossip and crap... now i dun even know if i will recognise this person on the streets... or even if i recognise, do we even have anyth to chat abt...

so ya, gg to start school(ntu acct) soon and it's quite exciting... so looking forward to the new environment and evth and hopefully i'll get to know more frenz and fit into the place and get good results(good enough for honours)...

anyway my main motive of coming here is to promote PRINCE OF TENNIS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP CHAPTER!!! heh heh... yup, the first 2 epi is out, but i only dl the first one cos the 2nd epi has yet to be in Xvid form... my com cant watch h264 version.. so happy abt it!! i love prince of tennis!! however, there is sth to grumble abt lor, the first season of pot ended in such a disgusting way then the second season gotta alter some parts so that it fits in... and if there is gg to be second season, why they be so disgusting and let ryoma beat tezuka!! ok, i admit that is the only part that i am unhappy abt the first season cos my tezuka is beaten!! how can liddat!! and then the second season replace my tezuka vs oishi part with ryoma vs oishi!! wah lao!! how can liddat!! that is supposed to show that my tezuka come back free of injuries and more powerful than ever la!! and then the story also no say y ryoma can suddenly run back from us open... so pissed!!!

but nvm la, i shall forgive the anime team since they contiinued with the season 2 such that i can see my tezuka(!!), kikamaru(!!), momo, kaoru, inui, fuji, takashi, oishi and ryoma in action and get to see the fabulous tennis moves the players(players from other teams inclusive)have up their sleeves.. juz reading the manga is not shuang enough, muz watch the anime and see the enhanced effects of the movement then more shuang... hehe... support PRINCE OF TENNIS!! POT rocks!!