me Me ME

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hmmm... another entry to describe another event...

Received nus letter... Well, i am posted to FAsS... quite funny la but heck...

went to its open house with pauline... well actually i think the courses that i am interested seemed inpractical...

Also, alot of ppl dun expect me to like those subjects....

Well, so u think i will wanna go for CMN in fass... or economics?~ NAH...

erm, actually, u may be quite shocked/surprised that actually i am most interested in philiosophy and political science... opps... also history and psychology is quite an option... haha...

Well, i went for alot of talks with pauline, and these two subjects that i like actually did not disappoint me, perhaps i should say that the professors did not disappoint me with their talk... haha...

Strangely i am quite attracted to geo... maybe the socialogy talk is so boring that it brought a contrast... haha...

NUS is a much nicer campus than NTU.... Well, at least i have always perceived and will continue to think so after seeing the campus...

The people i see in NUS also seemed more fun than in NTU... like they are very friendly, outgoing unlike in NTU, the ppl seemed more shy(or shld i say dao?) even if they are supposed to intro u sth...

Most importantly, i see quite a no. of handsome guys in nus while i see like none(?!) in ntu... haha...

Well, what can i say? I dun have the guts to talk political sciences or philiosophy or history as my core subject... cos i think my english CMI for the essays... psychology need to study for very very very very long!!!!! so i also dun wan...

So i have to go NTU!!!!



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