me Me ME

Thursday, January 19, 2006

hmm.. watched shikamaru's combat.. He's so cute~~

He says that he envy the clouds cos they are so carefree:)

I also envy of clouds.. they dun need to find job, dun need to study and evthg... they juz hang arnd in the sky..

I also wanna be a cloud.. juz hang arnd in the sky.. doing nth, juz enjoying the breeze and when my life comes to an end, raindrops will fall from heaven.. Thou I may lead a simple and short life, but i dun mind.. (juz hopefully i dun hav to deal with pollutions, and die of natural death, nt sickness--> acid rain)

Whenever I look at the clouds, I always feel that the clouds depicts another place, maybe it is another dimension, or another world.. I enjoy looking at clouds when i was young, somehow, i will feel happy and relax, juz by the movement of the clouds, it is juz like watching fireworks..

But now i rarely looks at clouds..


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