me Me ME

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Came across this quote..

Strange how we make money to spend time. --Billboard Ad

Initially, i was quite stunned by this quote.. cos i cannot understand wad it means.. After some thoughts, I've come to realise its meaning..

Time cannot be made, it can only be spent.. And if one were to juz spend all their time making money, they are juz wasting time as we cannot spend money to make time..

So it is strange isn't it? That we are spending sth tat cannot be made yet, we are always striving to make sth that we can make anytime..

We can never go back to the time that has passed, but we can always make more money...

So shouldn't we use our time to build up sth that is as worthy as time? Like values, integrity, relationships, skills or courage?


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