me Me ME

Friday, November 23, 2007

ok... becuase i am have nth better to do, since i am trying to express my happiness of end of exams by using the com, thou i wanted to watch survivor on tv too, but it is reviewing the past episodes, so i shall continue to do this wierd thing that cherie tagged me to do... i think jiemin also got tag me once... not sure is same quiz anot but nvm, it help me to lengthen the time of usage of com... but then i wanna watch tv more now leh... actually i want to sleep more... but NO, i shall enjoy every moment of today... well, i speak as thou i am very deprived of com and tv for exams period, but in fact i am gg online everyday during exams... haha... but okokokokok, to all skeptical ppl out there, ya, i am juz mad and like to torture myself can?

[On the Outside]
Name: Soh Khai Chee, also known as Soh, or Khai, or kaiqi, or cheek, oh ya, eva(lol)
Birth Date: 22/08/1987
Current Status: Single, that's why gg to open match making agency in the never coming future...
Eye Color: I dunno
Hair Color: Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty

[On the Inside]
Your Heritage: Asian Chinese
Your Fear: Beetle, cockroaches and such
Your Weakness: Non-commitment
Your Perfect Pizza: Barbeque

[Yesterday, Today , Tomorrow]
Your First Thought This Morning: "i shall sleep for another 15 minutes"
Your Last Thought Before Bedtime: can't rmb
Your Most Missed Memories:

[Your Pick]
Pepsi or Coke: doesn't matter
McDonalds or Burger King: depends on mood
Single or Group Dates: Group... the main operation of my future impossible matchmaking agency is group dates ma... must support own biz...
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: wad's nestea?
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Latte can?

[Do You...]
Smoke: of course NOT!!! diaozzzzzz....
Curse: oh ya, i cursed so many times during the exams...
Take showers: i do thou i am lazy to...
Have a crush: nope, my nanyang audi hasn't appear... lol...
Think you are in love: oh yeah, my joe cheng, yang zong wei, and many other bfs that i can't rmb
Go to school: well, not for the coming month, thou gg dentist on next monday...
Want to get married: sure, but i have this intuition that i will get a divorce... opps... hope this wont have adverse effect on my matching making biz...
Believe in yourself: well, to a certain extent
Think you are a health freak: definitely NOT

[In the Past Month]
Drank alcohol: i think red wine? or is it last last mth?
Been on stage: nope, not even been near one...
Eaten sushi: think so...
Dyed your hair: no... after 2 miserable previous attempts, i gave up...

[Have You Ever...]
Played a stripping game: no
Changed who you were to fit in: not really, thou i am adaptive, i always exp my individuality

[In a Girl/Guy]
You are hoping to be married at the age of: before 30 bah, then can open match making agency... like that more convincing... or maybe after 30 then open match making agency and match make myself out so that have real life example to promote my biz... nvm me... i am juz crapping... i dun think i am ever gg to open one...
Best Eye Color: current eye colour
Best Hair Color: black or brown or red?
Short Hair or Long Hair: in process of deciding

[What Were You Doing]
1 Min Ago: doing this quiz?
1 Hour Ago: reading other ppl blogs...
4.5 Hours Ago: watching tv ba...
1 Month Ago: still slacking happily w/o knowing exams is near...
1 Year Ago: in midst of exams

[Finish the Sentence]
I Love: to open a matchmaking agency, oh ya right...
I Feel: it is impossible to open one cos i have no motivation nor money to do so...
I Hate: to type "to open a matchmaking agency" after "I love" cos it is a wrong answer and i feel i shld give the correct answer...
I Hide: from flying beetles/cockroaches that flew into my house...
I Need: someone to kill those disgusting pests!


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