me Me ME

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

supposed to not go online and study, but then since i am online for some finalization of presentation stuff, so might as well... lol... hopefully this will be the last post till the end of my exams ba... but usu i am very inspired to think of random stuff when i study... so see how ba...

seemed like very few ppl are updating their blogs... but there are still some who are consistently updating like eejun and shuk yin... thanks for providing entertainment to my life...

anyway was reading ali's blog, the blog is named to live without regrets... This has got me thinking... as u can see, i haven't been exercising my brain for a long long time... dun have those entry that u all cannot understand what i am saying...

i supposed life muz be filled with regrets... almost everyday, i have sth that i will regret... however, it is thru all these regrets, then will i learn from it and to change to become the person who i want to be...

do u have the experience when u really want to do sth, but u know u will regret it after that? what did u do then?
i suppose most of the time, i will just do things at the spur of the moment, no use trying to rack my brain over sth that i cannot make a decision over.... just do whatever i feel like and dun worry abt the regret part... that is provided my decision will not cause harm to other living being... but there are times i did things that i dun feel like...
practicality vs dream, it is sth i alwaz regret over, at the point i chose practicality over dreams, i know i will live to regret it.... but why do i still choose it? maybe a part of me think i won't regret it? maybe i was encouraged by others around me? maybe i thought i am not good enough? maybe i simply lack the courage to go after my dreams? whatever it is, i have made a choice and i muz live with it, to take in in my own stride...

on the bright side, one will never know what one regret until one looked back many years later... sometimes when i did silly things, i thought i will never regret it... but it is only after many many years then i start to think how silly i was and regretted doing it... same things apply for the things i regretted in the past....

time does change somethings in a sense... so i supposed what is most impt is, to not take regrets from the past or possible future regrets affect ur courage to choose sth... sometimes i dun see the point that i am regretting over if i decide not to be bother by it... becuase in that case, there is technically no regrets since regret is sth that u will always keep at the back of ur mind...


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