me Me ME

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

anyway forgot to mention, watched Enchanted yesterday... it is NICE!!! super funny lor... haha!! if u want to watch a movie and dunno what to watch, i highly recommend u to go watch that!!

anyway quite sad, i think the doraemon movie is no longer screening alr:(

Christmas is coming!!

haha... new blogskin!!! and bigger font... haha...

my blog forever dun have my person description... i think i pormised to put up my profile for the last few blog skins but never succeeded... dun think this time will also... haha... see how... if i really very free and have the mood...

anyway advice to all: pls go to bugis before u go orchard... haha... the same stuff are cheaper in bugis~~~

Saturday, November 24, 2007

楊宗緯 96 11首組曲 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

ok... becuase i am have nth better to do, since i am trying to express my happiness of end of exams by using the com, thou i wanted to watch survivor on tv too, but it is reviewing the past episodes, so i shall continue to do this wierd thing that cherie tagged me to do... i think jiemin also got tag me once... not sure is same quiz anot but nvm, it help me to lengthen the time of usage of com... but then i wanna watch tv more now leh... actually i want to sleep more... but NO, i shall enjoy every moment of today... well, i speak as thou i am very deprived of com and tv for exams period, but in fact i am gg online everyday during exams... haha... but okokokokok, to all skeptical ppl out there, ya, i am juz mad and like to torture myself can?

[On the Outside]
Name: Soh Khai Chee, also known as Soh, or Khai, or kaiqi, or cheek, oh ya, eva(lol)
Birth Date: 22/08/1987
Current Status: Single, that's why gg to open match making agency in the never coming future...
Eye Color: I dunno
Hair Color: Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty

[On the Inside]
Your Heritage: Asian Chinese
Your Fear: Beetle, cockroaches and such
Your Weakness: Non-commitment
Your Perfect Pizza: Barbeque

[Yesterday, Today , Tomorrow]
Your First Thought This Morning: "i shall sleep for another 15 minutes"
Your Last Thought Before Bedtime: can't rmb
Your Most Missed Memories:

[Your Pick]
Pepsi or Coke: doesn't matter
McDonalds or Burger King: depends on mood
Single or Group Dates: Group... the main operation of my future impossible matchmaking agency is group dates ma... must support own biz...
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: wad's nestea?
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Latte can?

[Do You...]
Smoke: of course NOT!!! diaozzzzzz....
Curse: oh ya, i cursed so many times during the exams...
Take showers: i do thou i am lazy to...
Have a crush: nope, my nanyang audi hasn't appear... lol...
Think you are in love: oh yeah, my joe cheng, yang zong wei, and many other bfs that i can't rmb
Go to school: well, not for the coming month, thou gg dentist on next monday...
Want to get married: sure, but i have this intuition that i will get a divorce... opps... hope this wont have adverse effect on my matching making biz...
Believe in yourself: well, to a certain extent
Think you are a health freak: definitely NOT

[In the Past Month]
Drank alcohol: i think red wine? or is it last last mth?
Been on stage: nope, not even been near one...
Eaten sushi: think so...
Dyed your hair: no... after 2 miserable previous attempts, i gave up...

[Have You Ever...]
Played a stripping game: no
Changed who you were to fit in: not really, thou i am adaptive, i always exp my individuality

[In a Girl/Guy]
You are hoping to be married at the age of: before 30 bah, then can open match making agency... like that more convincing... or maybe after 30 then open match making agency and match make myself out so that have real life example to promote my biz... nvm me... i am juz crapping... i dun think i am ever gg to open one...
Best Eye Color: current eye colour
Best Hair Color: black or brown or red?
Short Hair or Long Hair: in process of deciding

[What Were You Doing]
1 Min Ago: doing this quiz?
1 Hour Ago: reading other ppl blogs...
4.5 Hours Ago: watching tv ba...
1 Month Ago: still slacking happily w/o knowing exams is near...
1 Year Ago: in midst of exams

[Finish the Sentence]
I Love: to open a matchmaking agency, oh ya right...
I Feel: it is impossible to open one cos i have no motivation nor money to do so...
I Hate: to type "to open a matchmaking agency" after "I love" cos it is a wrong answer and i feel i shld give the correct answer...
I Hide: from flying beetles/cockroaches that flew into my house...
I Need: someone to kill those disgusting pests!

oh yeah!! my exams are over!! haha... now i felt so tired after one day of exam + shopping + shopping....

BUT I WANNA PLAY COM, WATCH TV and so the list go!!!

the last thing i want to do is sleep thou i am so sleepy... lol... haha...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

haha... i caught up with my schedule again... oh well, i function better at night la... lol...

Tmr gg to is first test paper!! now gan jiong i rmb wrong time... trying to check=.= can't stand myself...

anyway still have 8days to go!! then i can play all the games and watch all the videos i want!!! thou i now still watching tv but is limited selection ma... haha...

anyway i though i say i will disappear for exams... but seemed i too stress, everyday muz come...
and prince of tennis and naruto new chapters are out!! so tempted to read... after kenichi has finally defeated the bad guy, i tot no more exciting stuff to read for quite some time cos all the manga i read so draggy!!! but now is segaiku golden pair in their final game!! hoho!!! kikamaru rocks!!

anyway do i sound very stressed? LOL!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Boo Hoo!!! i am behind schedule by 5 chapters~~~

now that sister is back from china, i cannot stay up till 630 or 730 le!!! all her fault!!

actually my fault la, i keep watching tv and stuff and only start studying at 1/2 am every night!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Yay!! finally done studying IT... well, at least most.... finally managed to still within my tight schedule after sleepong at 730am, 630am... haha... can sleep at 530am today... so happy!! i dun really appreciate seeing sunlight before i sleep...

suddenly realised i no print some tutorials... wanted to go print but the system is under maintenance....

oh ya everyone, i lived up to my expectation of efficency!!! haha... i managed to read the notes and the textbooks.... thou is like read headings and for sth continue to read on when i dun understand!! hoho...

anyway yay yy, i got see yang zong wei on zhou ri ba dian dang(jacky's show)... haha, ej, if u got watch that show, the guy who is lousy in finding things is him!!! he sings super well!! and he's so funny la!!! the hosts have to hint till the extent of pushing him right in front of the cupboard and he still cannot find!!! lol!!!! so cute!!

anyway i followed my sis and went for a run at the circular road near my hse... after 2 rounds, i almost died... lol!! now my leg aching... muz be the poor warm up and cool down... and muz be my lack of sleep... *blaming evth except my lack of exercise* lol...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

OMG!!! i suddenly realised i have one stack of notes which i have forgotten entirely abt... Just when i had finally finished my readings, after staying up till 730am, and i thought to myself, i will faint if i see another stack of hidden reading, that stack appeared right in front of my face!!!

oh man... my IT tutor is mad ok!! how can she expect us to read so much, apart from the textbook, she still printed chapters from other textbooks and each week, she will give us a dose of at least 2 readings...

I wonder if she is tortured like that when she was studying, that's why she is taking revenge on us!! RAAAHHHH!!! ok, i am very unstable now......

The million dollar question: shld i read the textbook and the recently discovered sets of readings, or should i ignore it??

anyway i was reading abt the patenting of biotech, i was wondering, if u can patent a certain gene in a natural substance, won't u be given the right to exclude others from using that substance since every substance will contain that gene? Won't it be as good as patenting the whole thing? sigh... i think it is a stupid question, but i am gg to ask my prof... hope he dun look down on me... tell u all the answer when he replies...

Friday, November 09, 2007

新約搞定 楊宗緯可以唱了

oh man!! i am so lloking forward to his new album!!!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

I realised my deja vu is a fake... sorry for the wrong usage of deja vu, cos i dunno it's a noun or very or adjective...

I did the exact same thing twice... i took out a piece of paper and the pin from my noticeboard and put it in front of my computer... then i did it again, putting them at the exact same spot...

just as i am typing now, i suddenly thought i had typed this post before... what's wrong?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

supposed to not go online and study, but then since i am online for some finalization of presentation stuff, so might as well... lol... hopefully this will be the last post till the end of my exams ba... but usu i am very inspired to think of random stuff when i study... so see how ba...

seemed like very few ppl are updating their blogs... but there are still some who are consistently updating like eejun and shuk yin... thanks for providing entertainment to my life...

anyway was reading ali's blog, the blog is named to live without regrets... This has got me thinking... as u can see, i haven't been exercising my brain for a long long time... dun have those entry that u all cannot understand what i am saying...

i supposed life muz be filled with regrets... almost everyday, i have sth that i will regret... however, it is thru all these regrets, then will i learn from it and to change to become the person who i want to be...

do u have the experience when u really want to do sth, but u know u will regret it after that? what did u do then?
i suppose most of the time, i will just do things at the spur of the moment, no use trying to rack my brain over sth that i cannot make a decision over.... just do whatever i feel like and dun worry abt the regret part... that is provided my decision will not cause harm to other living being... but there are times i did things that i dun feel like...
practicality vs dream, it is sth i alwaz regret over, at the point i chose practicality over dreams, i know i will live to regret it.... but why do i still choose it? maybe a part of me think i won't regret it? maybe i was encouraged by others around me? maybe i thought i am not good enough? maybe i simply lack the courage to go after my dreams? whatever it is, i have made a choice and i muz live with it, to take in in my own stride...

on the bright side, one will never know what one regret until one looked back many years later... sometimes when i did silly things, i thought i will never regret it... but it is only after many many years then i start to think how silly i was and regretted doing it... same things apply for the things i regretted in the past....

time does change somethings in a sense... so i supposed what is most impt is, to not take regrets from the past or possible future regrets affect ur courage to choose sth... sometimes i dun see the point that i am regretting over if i decide not to be bother by it... becuase in that case, there is technically no regrets since regret is sth that u will always keep at the back of ur mind...