me Me ME

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

No... you are not invisible...

i rmb yuying once asked me whether i felt left out when my jc clique is talking abt stuff that i an not really interested or dun really understand... she told me that she observed that i am really quiet that day... i rmb i told her "no la, i am juz lazy to talk today, also u all seemed very interested in this topic wad, so dun wan to spoiler, anyway i am ok with juz listening la... i juz listen then wadever i know, i'll juz chap it to remind u all of my presence... haha... anyway if i really feel very left out i will try to chap in and change the topic, so dun worry:D"
(i really appreciate yuying for being so nice!!*muacks*)

i suppose i am quite capable of making myself not feel left out, to chap into a conversation then change the topic... As my frens all tell me, i am those very loud and outspoken(thou i till now still dun admit it, i am very quiet and reserved one lor) but i supposed sometimes, i ought to think about others also wad... maybe they really enjoy talking abt that topic, so of course, i shld let them talk abt it and not interrupt... cannot alwaz expect others to converse abt things that i know or i am interested in wad... i mean the world dun only revolve around me... if i really want to get involve in their conversation, maybe i shld go do some research or sth abt their topic, if not juz listen lor... anyway there is only that much in a topic to talk abt, so eventually the topic will diverge to sth else...

i admit i am definitely not the nice and sensitive type of person like yuying, sometimes i failed to realised someone is left out, sometimes even when i realised, i will juz continue with what i am doing wait for the person to chap in on her own accord and not offer any help to the person... ya, i am that evil... but then if after a long time the person still dun make any move, i'll attempt to help...


When i encounter sth that i dun really like/enjoy, will ask myself, is that any other options?

Sometimes, the alternative may require me to step out of my comfort zone, or to do something that i do not enjoy...

Because i dun feel comfortable with the alternative, i will ask myself again, do i want things to remain as it is? or do i not?

If my answer is i wan to change the current setting, then i will decide to choose the alternative... even thou i have alr decided, i may still be hesistant to carry it out instances before i act... more often then not, i will rethink again, do i want things to remain as it is? or do i not? And finally, i will tell myself, nvm, it is juz for a moment, juz a few words, juz a few seconds... then i will juz do it...

Somethings are better left unsaid, but most things need to be said

if not, how would one know what is going on in another person's mind... people sometimes assume; some people are very sure of their assumptions; to some other, they simply think of it as a fact...

if one want things to change for the better, or maybe to change to the way one prefer, MAKE IT HAPPEN...

Getting angry, be it with oneself or with others for the ways things are only have negative effects... yes, it is an absolute statement...
i dunno the way others think but i agree with this sentence that i kop from wanx blog, "no matter what we are doing, everyone of us just want to be happy"... i suppose every decision that we make, every action that we take, we juz want to be happy and the people around us to be happy... so why do one do sth that makes one unhappy and the others around one to be unhappy too...

maybe one is disappointed, maybe one expected more from others... but if one wan others to understand one better, shouldn't one be more open abt one's feelings...

if u dun like the way things are like now, change it... maybe now u are thinking that i am not u, so i dunno how difficult it is for u... EXACTLY, i am not u, no one else is you except you yourself... YOU are the only one who know you true feelings and thoughts inside out... so shouldn't you be the one who will make the effort... As friends, we can only help u and we will help you, but it is up to u to initiate, to lead the change...


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