me Me ME

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Anyway to clarify my previous entry, i supposed i am not feeling sad but was juz feeling frustrated with myself for not living up to my own expectations in terms of the ways i handle things...

maybe i am setting too high an expectation on myself... but then again i dun think the standards i set is high...

aiya, it is all these two ways thoughts that makes me ended up feeling so vexed... it is like having the angel and devil in ur mind talking tgt all the times... the angel wants me to live up to my own expectation of being a considerate and kind and self-scruntinising and forgiving person while the devil juz want me to blurt things out and act as thou i am right all the times and as thou i have the rights to criticise someone...

it is like sometimes when u find fault in someone, do u stop to re examine yourself, do i sometimes act like that person, and if i do, do i have the rights to criticise them? what measures should i take to prevent myself from repeating the fault? so shld i tell the person his/her fault? how shld i tell to prevent the person from being sad/angry? how will others see me? etc etc...

i have a very naggy angel in me...

if i do not ignore her, i will have alot to live up to, if i were to ignore her, she will keep nagging at me...


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