me Me ME

Sunday, February 25, 2007

i am so depressed... my stupid com dun let me change my blog template!! tsk tsk!!

*well, it appeared to have finally changed:D

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese new year everyone~!

hope all the best for everyone and good fortune will trail u alwaz!!~

anyway i think this cny is the most disastrous one ever... or maybe shld i say post cny... cos of so many work to do!! all my hw, lagging work, my ob project, my acct presentation... everything needs my attention during my new year holidays!! spent today helping my mom with chores and slacking makes me feel super guilty cos i no study!!

anyway naruto new season is OUT --- Naruto Shippuuden!!! no more fillers!!! yeah man!! haha...

and reading the prince of tennis manga!! super nice!! my tezuka is so zai!! oh ya, my shikamaru is also very clever in the naruto manga... he killed someone from akazuki single-handedly!!! so zai also!!! thou his skills is not as good, but then he is super clever!! yet another great strategy employed and carried out by him!!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

was playing with my hp security thingy and experimenting with my pin no... then suddenly got locked out... scares me la... cos last time when jj played with her hp and ganna locked, she gotta go all the way to starhub to card a new sim card...

so my phone keep asking me for my puk no. la!! then i keep anyhow type... the manual of the phone provided a set of password but is non applicable... say the pin no. is get from svc provider... wah lao... then got this func is SOS... then i called the phone refused to gimme reception la!!! dunno wat the heck is the SOS function for... in the end gotta borrow my sis hp to call the m1 cust svc... but worst thing is that i dunno the no.... also canoot check... but luckily my sis rmb is 1627... so i called and realised that there is this automated thing to get ur puk no.... i think alot of ppl also like me anyhow play so they decide to have this automated response... but anyway it is good la... better than waiting for the cust svc person... then i keep enetering the wrong nric no. for verification cos i forgot whose name the plan is under... in the end i find out that it was ME!! erm... blur blur.... haha... then i still enter my own nric wrongly la... wah lao... haha... then finally reactivated my phone la... wad a relief...

well, i supposed the lesson learnt today is, to alwaz experiment:D (bu zhi hui gai)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

sigh.. me is lagging in my work... no motivation...

next week have 2 tests!! die die die!!!

anyway found new show to watch!!! AHHHHH!!! foodgod by 5566, it is a comedy la... the direct is stephen chow... so shld be funny... but haven't watch cos no time!!! naruto part 2 is coming out soon... next week lor... finally no more fillers le... haha... but i like got no time to watch my shows leh... my anime also waiting in queue for me to watch!!! die die... and channel 8 finally got a nice show that i wanna watch... the 9pm show... haha... seemed to be very funny...

i wanna blog many times but then my internet keep dc nowadays... thou it used to dc also la, but now it becomes more freq... so evil!! stupid singtel!!

anyway i am alwaz with the stars, cos i forever sleep very late, and wake very late... that's why no time... haha.. cos end up the same, also sleep alot, juz sleep at different time of the day... i seriously need to kkick this habit of sleeping late... or the electricity bills will blast since i alwaz sleep at 5am nowadays!! last time used to be 2am, then 3am... now i have been sleeping at 5am for almost a week, except for the days that i have sch(cos gotta wake at 830)... and i only have sch for 2 days la!!

sad sad...

anyway shuk, did u see my offline msg abt the volunteer thing? reply me leh...

Friday, February 02, 2007

feel like starting to do voluntary work... who wanna join me???

i rmb when i first started to do volunteering work at sec 2, i made a decision that i am gg to become a regular volunteer when i grow up & is working in the society...

actually i have attempted to start volunteering in JC... but then leh, i sign up with this volunteer agency that assign volunteers to various places, they alwaz allocate me to wierd places like tampines... so i did manage to start volunteering...

then when i went to ntu, there is this welfare svc club... however, it seemed like the activities to sign up is all overseas volunteering trip leh... think i missed the sign up dates for local volunteering...

then there is this day shuk yin suddeny tok abt wanting to volunteer in her blog... then i was reminded of the decision i have made a few yrs back... i think i want to really starts to volunteer alr... if shuk can't join me, then i shall ask my sis, if not, then at most, i will go by myself ba...

i suppose this volunteer thing is my first new year resolution of the year:D

Thursday, February 01, 2007

i think i am getting more and more forgetful... i rmb someone used to complement me for having great memory... or maybe quite alot of ppl used to complement me for that... now that i am down with this unknown sickness, i forgot things so quickly that i have to ask the same question again and again for at least 3 times....

just ask huixian or siling... think they have strong taste of my forgetfulness... haha...

anyway i suspect i am either down with some wierd stomach illness or allergy to some unknown food such that i am consistently down with stomachache, either that, or feel like puking once every month...

I wanna shop for new year!!!