me Me ME

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

sigh.. me is lagging in my work... no motivation...

next week have 2 tests!! die die die!!!

anyway found new show to watch!!! AHHHHH!!! foodgod by 5566, it is a comedy la... the direct is stephen chow... so shld be funny... but haven't watch cos no time!!! naruto part 2 is coming out soon... next week lor... finally no more fillers le... haha... but i like got no time to watch my shows leh... my anime also waiting in queue for me to watch!!! die die... and channel 8 finally got a nice show that i wanna watch... the 9pm show... haha... seemed to be very funny...

i wanna blog many times but then my internet keep dc nowadays... thou it used to dc also la, but now it becomes more freq... so evil!! stupid singtel!!

anyway i am alwaz with the stars, cos i forever sleep very late, and wake very late... that's why no time... haha.. cos end up the same, also sleep alot, juz sleep at different time of the day... i seriously need to kkick this habit of sleeping late... or the electricity bills will blast since i alwaz sleep at 5am nowadays!! last time used to be 2am, then 3am... now i have been sleeping at 5am for almost a week, except for the days that i have sch(cos gotta wake at 830)... and i only have sch for 2 days la!!

sad sad...

anyway shuk, did u see my offline msg abt the volunteer thing? reply me leh...


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