me Me ME

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Browsing thru my archives and looking for my last year's new year resolutions... Cant' find them but nvm, since i doubted that i have done any... haha... anyway i supposed i shall review my year...

Reviewing 2006

Positive changes:
~ I have become calmer/nicer than before... before i lose my temper, i will usu think whether i shld lose it anot and even after i lose my temper(sometimes temper flares before i can even think or sometimes my emotions won against my logic) i'll review whether i have done the right thing...
~ I have learnt to be lonely... Well, i used to totally hate to be alone... cos i will feel super insecure and uncomfortable...
~ I have become more hardworking in sch
~ I have become a more positive person le, looking at my past entries, i realised sometimes i feel very negative, but nowadays i dun feel like that anymore:D

Neutral changes:
~ now i dun esp like the colour red le... i dun esp like any particular colours now...

Negative changes:
~ my face lor... see all the pimples u will know... haha
~ I have become more lazy in other terms
~ I wasted alot more electricity than before from watching vcd/dvd marathons

To do list to complete my 2006:
~ To write out my scripts... haha... actually alr come up with 1 completed and 2 half-complete scripts in my mind, but lazy to write them out
~ To place less emphasise on gain and loss


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