me Me ME

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Browsing thru my archives and looking for my last year's new year resolutions... Cant' find them but nvm, since i doubted that i have done any... haha... anyway i supposed i shall review my year...

Reviewing 2006

Positive changes:
~ I have become calmer/nicer than before... before i lose my temper, i will usu think whether i shld lose it anot and even after i lose my temper(sometimes temper flares before i can even think or sometimes my emotions won against my logic) i'll review whether i have done the right thing...
~ I have learnt to be lonely... Well, i used to totally hate to be alone... cos i will feel super insecure and uncomfortable...
~ I have become more hardworking in sch
~ I have become a more positive person le, looking at my past entries, i realised sometimes i feel very negative, but nowadays i dun feel like that anymore:D

Neutral changes:
~ now i dun esp like the colour red le... i dun esp like any particular colours now...

Negative changes:
~ my face lor... see all the pimples u will know... haha
~ I have become more lazy in other terms
~ I wasted alot more electricity than before from watching vcd/dvd marathons

To do list to complete my 2006:
~ To write out my scripts... haha... actually alr come up with 1 completed and 2 half-complete scripts in my mind, but lazy to write them out
~ To place less emphasise on gain and loss

Friday, December 29, 2006

Took 10yrs to log in blogger... but anyway new version looks nicer la... but dun like the lagging part...

juz exchanged books with ym... i brought a big bag of textbooks and 2 plastic bags of with 4 files of worksheets in total for her.. then i return with one bag of worksheets and textbooks... ym so poor th.. gotta carry so far... then my mom say no wonder i go cck to give her... if not she carry till siao...

then wanna pack the notes ym give me wad... so took a hole puncher from sis' room lor... then i take alr, put it on table, take a small stack of notes, then pick up puncher from table, SUDDENLY I SEE ALOT OF ANTS ON THE TABLE!!!! wahlao... then i immed realised that the ants come from the puncher... so i throw the puncher on the table and scream... then start to frantically find something to hit the ants... the i found a notebook size book then start killing all the ants... after i killed all that all visible to me, then i take the hole puncher and run to the sink to wash... NO THE STORY IS NOT OVER YET! then i open the puncher with the part that store the paper and i see a small hill of ants!!! so there's an ANT NEST there... WTH!!!

anyway i washed off all the ants in the puncher down the sink then sterilized my table... haha...
so i continued to file the worksheet ym give me la... then after finished filing, i realised the total amt of worksheets for these 2 subjects are lesser than my fm's... haha... see i so poor thing... study so much last sem... i no complain so much lor!!

got photos from JJ and jiemin le!! happy!! thanks!!

got my results le... hahaha... personally i think quite okay la... not elated but quite relieved... like performed according to wad i expect la... not very good but not bad too... well, at least to me it is not bad la...

here are my results for those who are curious:
A- B- A A- B+
GPA :4.2(i ownself cal one, cos they no cal for us)

then went to read my snr blog... she got sth like mine but she like sounded super disappointed... Opps... but her goal is first class honours la... mine is got honours happy liao... second lower also can... haha...

quite surprised that i got A for blaw lor... cos tot will flunk after i completed my final exam paper... totally have no idea wad i am writing... haha...

anyway got photos from jiemin:D happy:D JJ and yy, send me photos also!!

anyway i switched to new blogger, but i dunno how to use... in the end i sign in with old blogger... so lame leh... switched alr can still go back use old one...

Monday, December 25, 2006

To my friends:

Merry Christmas!!

Best wishes to all!!

May all of u be blissed with happiness:D

Enjoy every moment of living, be it good, bad, happy, sad, angry, disappointed or any other emotions, be glad that u live to experience them.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

anyway went vivo today... who say vivo have 500 shops?? i think there's only at the very most 100... haha... super quickly finished walking lor... in the end gotta go harbourfront centre walk walk...

hmm... watched curse of the golden flower today... not highly recommended thou... basically the story is quite empty and expectable... but then sl keep ask me wad happen... haha...

but Chow Yun-Fat is darn cool la!! my IDOL!!! much much better than jay chou... see him then sl keep laughing... makes me laugh also... gong li also very li hai... tears like tap liddat... can flow so freely and quickly...

basically the story quite sian lor... until the actual rebel part then got some exciting moments cos ppl fighting... haha... anyway me ans sl make a joke out of it... cos jay chou's rebel army wore gold, then the King army wore either black or silver... then we were saying like jay chou so dumb la... let the army wear gold when they start rebel at night... then make then so obvious to the enemy... the king cleverer... wore black or silver then can camouflage very well... that's why the king's army won...

then later we criticise jay chou cos he go kill ppl then they trying to catch him... cos the king's army given clear instructions not to kill him... so the poor army very cham...

still got another very dumb, but shan't say cos will be spoilers... haha... i talk abt the king army win the rebel part is all expected... so not considered spoilers...

anyway i went to The Cathay to watch movie... the one near dhouby ghaut mrt... that place not bad la.. space very big... also not much ppl... recommend u all to go there... it's cheap lor... i watch today is $6.50... uob and ocbc credit card got 12% off for first 2 and first 20 person respectively...

sigh... i no place to sleep!! my sis fren come slp over, then she slp my "bed" and i gotta slp somewhere else... but that place not nice to slp.. even my living room sofa nice... pillow so hard...

slp sofa then very cold!! howhow??

wanna play com overnight but scare waste electricity... also tmr gg out to watch movie... sad...

-report on my sleeping status-

internet got dc at arnd 3.30am... toking to ym online halfway...

so tried to go sleep since cannot use com... slp on my parents' bed... pillow super hard... in the end no use pillow... then cannot toss and turn cos will wake up my mom... then very cold cos no blanklet...

after very long then fell asleep... then woke at 5.30am when my mom throw her blanklet on me... finally some warmth, but then her alarm clock ring a lil while later.. spoil my slp... then wanna return to my bed cos my sis and her fren left home alr...

but then dad on my bed... he nightshift... so think reach home then slp on my bed since i slp on his...

in the end since i got blanklet, so i go living room to slp...

but after awhile... really awhile lor, slping so happily on the sofa, then got woke to ask to go back my bed since my dad go back his bed...

finally got my bed back right? but i can slp leh... maybe cos got other ppl slp then i keep feeling itchy thou i think is my mental effect... cos i alr dust the bed before i go slp on it...

then no sleep at all thill now!!! so sleepy leh... but then alr 10plus... gg out at 11... so cannot sleep...

so in the end sleep 2 hrs... super sad!! it's not like i studying or insomnia or watching vcd lo... juz uncomfortable slping condition...


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

blogger took me so long to log in!! alr forgot what i wanna blog...

anyone got books to lend me? cos i very bored at home... keep playing com!!

anyway i am super broke!!!

keep dreaming of the same grp of ppl every night... is it some bad omen? i dun think i got miss them or anyth but they juz keep appearing in my dream? why?

Monday, December 18, 2006

hehe... feels so accomplished!! done with my blog skin for the new year, which will prob last me till next holiday since gotta studdy hard hard in uni cos this sem die alr so must pia next sem...

so yeah jieyi, i am done with my new blogskin for new year!! haha... no use photoshop thou i finally rmb how to use it after i go explore... stick with paint since i am only doing very simple stuff...

dreading this week man!! gonna to be very very broke!!! help!! Santa!!! send me some cash for christmas can? or money tree also can... the money on the money tree must be SGD hor... i dun mind euros also;D

Sunday, December 10, 2006

hmm.. abit disappointed with myself today, but quite happy again...

i supposed i am juz not used to it yet... maybe after some time then i do not need to commit a mistake then later remind myself that i shouldn't have done it in the first place...

i shld remain more calm and composed...

anyway went to do some psy test... almost all indicates that i am a mysterious person... hmm, maybe, cos sometimes even i am not conscious of my own doings... haha...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

haha... went to forum to search for places to go... in the end come across this qian bian wen da ti forum... haha...

1. why did a alien go to e keyboard when it is thristy???

cos he wants to go to the spacebar

2. Imagine you are stuck on an island.You have nothing with you.On the island you saw a coconut tree,a net and a ladder. How you gonna get out of the island?


3. Why did Mickey Mouse went to space?

to find pluto

4. A man was waiting at an airport for a plane to arrive. Suddenly, he heard someone call his name. Looking up, he saw an old friend of his hurrying toward him.
"Hey, Bill!" called his friend. "How are you? I haven't seen you in years!"
"How are you?" exclaimed Bill. "Wow, you look great!"
"I am married now, to someboby yoou don't know," said the other.
"This is my daughter."
Bill smiled down at the little girl. "hi, young lady. What's your name?" "It's the same as my mama's," said the girl."Is that so," said Bill, winking at his friend. "Then your name must be Cindy!" How could he possibly know this?

cos the fren he is talking to is Cindy... there is no where in this passage that say his friend is a guy

5. a man is sentenced to death, he is given a choice of 3 rooms:
1st room is the room of everlasting fire. it will nv be extinguish.
2nd room is a room fill with lions that have not eaten for 3 years.
3rd room is a room fill with assasins with the best guns and weapons to kill.
Which room is the safest room for the man?

2nd room... cos all the lion will be dead!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

yeah... finally change my blogskin for christmas!!

~~Merry Christmas~~


oh man, listening to his new album... he rocks man!! nv hear such nice songs for such a long time, since his last album... his voice is power man!!!

hmm.. rotting at home cos dun wanna go out... save money... cos can predict i gg to go broke soon... now slowly converting my mp3 to wma... hahaha.... anyway jj, ur ascoutic sound converter is of no use... in the end found this nice converter that wont expire... but then can only convert one song at a time and gotta wait for 5 sec everytime u wanna start converting... but nvm la... train my patience...

i think i am getting more patient, which is a good thing... sigh... i wanna watch mpeg-4 movie... windows media player wont work leh... help!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

i am not trying to act cute la... haha

but this blogskin is indeed very cute!!!

however it'll be temporary only... until i can find a nice one:D