me Me ME

Friday, September 15, 2006

Took mrt today then when the train stopped at je, i was at the doors rdy to alight... then on the platform there was these bunch of old ppl who are gg to board the train...

as the train stopped, they all rush to the doors i am at and hit the doors to will it to open when the doors did not open(if u take mrt, u'll know that the door always lag)...

well, i was quite appalled but later started to worry if the door suddenly open, will they hav enough time to take their hands away or else they will get injured... (again, if u take mrt, u will know there's this warning pic that says do not put ur hands on the door)

well, luckily none of them get injured when the door open... but upon the opening of the door, the juz rushed in recklessly, and me and the other alighting passengers have to dock arnd and eventually retreat into the mrt(as if we are boarding also) so that they dun knock into us... i am super scared that i'll get scolded if they happened to collide into me... (well, if u take mrt, u'll know tat there's always a sign or a reminder that tell u to give way to alighting passengers before boarding)...

eventually, i got down the train...

No, i am not blaming the old ppl... as u see, their actions, to put their hands at the door and not give way to alighting passengers are against the instruction and reminder... but the instructions and reminder are all in english, which i dun think they can comprehend... i mean even those highly educated passengers at raffles place cannot comprehend wad's to give way to alighting passengers...

ya, but back to the topic... juz typed this comprehension passage for my sister... it compares old ppl in the US and Singapre... the main thing that makes them so different is the language... US being a developed countries since many decades ago has establised english as a common language ... with every instruction in eng, the old can also comprehend and learn every new stuff that's coming up... whereas in sg, in which we have developed over the past few decades from an undeveloped country to a developing country to eventually a developed country, a common lang is not yet established among our current generations... even thou it is only a one generational gap, eg, parent and child, there may not be common lang... not all of ur parents know eng do they? becos during their times there still exist cl sch which they do all the education in cl.. thus, they may not comprehend el... thus they may not comprehend wad all those instructions on street means...

the el instructions to them, are alien lang, and their main purpose can be arguably said is to serve foreign tourist... so what abt out citizen? the older generation who gave their heart and soul to building such a wonderful place for us? why is there no cl/ml/tl instructions? no cl/ml/tl announcements? even when u provide these, u hav alr left out those who speak only dirlects or even illterate... but none of these are provided... and the old are confined to their own neighbourhood, not becos they cannot afford to go out nor is it they are too poor in health to do so... but it is the world that is full of alien instructions that detered them from gg out...

i am rather glad that i am born and educated when sg is in the developed stage.. thus, i can comprehend el which is gg to be our common lang..


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