me Me ME

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Realised that sometimes it is better to hold ur frustrations for the moment...

Ren yi shi feng ping lang jing, tui yi bu hai kuo tian kong

no matter how pissed off, how angry, how unhappy or how disappointed u are, juz bear with it for the moment...

i suppose time heals... at the pt in time when a comment which hurt u is made, u may feel extremely frustrated and wanna scold/insult/assult the party who made the comment... the party may not know that he/she hurt u with his/her word, an honest mistake ... but as time goes by, be it a few minutes / hours / days later, u are no longer bothered by that comment anymore....

if u were to let ur rashness and recklessness rule u at that pt, u may end up upsetting the other party, and u are bound to regret it after sometime...

so keep calm and cool... if u can control ur temper, laugh it off or juz ignore it and change a topic... if u cannot control ur temper, juz keep quiet or pretend to do something else or get urself involved in other things such as sms-ing...

i think i am becoming a nicer person yeah?


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