me Me ME

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Happy bithday Yi Hui!!

ok, after that forword, i shall continue with my entry... i am so looking forward my holidays... but then come to think of it, i have a bunch of stuff to do!!

1. Acct proj
2. Biz law proj
3. IT proj

4. Meet for Acct proj
5. Meet for IT proj

6. catch up with FM... lagging!!!
7. try to memorise some IT... well, according to hx, there's a IT quiz soon!!

8. Go out with jieyi and siling
9. Go out with yy, ym, pot
10. Go out with val, farah etc

erm... so much stuff to do... in like one week??!!!

i wonder when i can finsih my dvds...


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