me Me ME

Saturday, February 18, 2006

hehe.. gonna update abt my new job!!!

I am no longer working at warehouse.. now working at IRAS, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore.. gg to be working as frontdesk, aiding taxpayers to efile...

Sigh.. now undergoing training... feels like gg to school AGAIN!! have the lecture notes and listening to lectures... except tt the lectures lasted a whole day, non stop.. keep trying to keep myself awake everyday...

Today i fell asleep.. dunno the guy got see me anot.. but val says i sleep very skillfully one.. so i hope not.. but i am sitting like right at the front.. dunno my acting can cover up anot..

Siling and Pauline doing the job with me.. well, they keep complain abt the study part.. i think the study part is ok la.. like wad jy says, i am paid to study, quite a good deal.. but things gonna become more stress when i gonna face taxpayers..

Oh ya! we always have tests, written or oral tests to see how much we understand etc.. so scary.. somemore is learn on the spot then straight away test... wah!!!

now working 5.5 days.. so tiring lor.. sigh... too bad la.. gonna hang on for the good pay.. but i hate CPF.. my last job dun hav CPF.. and i can get my full income lor.. nw 20% of my income suddenly gone.. the govt should make CPF elective for employees who are under the age of 21 lor.. sigh..

pls consider my proposal..

Anyway tmr gg ntu open hse.. sigh.. i still dunno wad i wanna study!!


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