me Me ME

Monday, January 23, 2006

I am a freethinking futurist!!

Sharp and chic you are very independent, happy to lead the way with new ideas and designs. The colours you surround yourself with need to be fresh and clean to suit your pared-back minimalist style. Your home is the perfect balance of technology and home comforts. Add a few examples of the very latest in hi-tech lighting and the result will be as original and invigorating as you are.

ColorQuiz.comeva took the free personality test!

"Her need to feel more causative and to have a wide..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

To those who do not have confidence in themselves:

What the soul knows is often unknown to the man who has a soul. We are infinitely more than we think. --Kahlil Gibran

To those who are confused:

At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want. --Lao-tzu

Came across this quote..

Strange how we make money to spend time. --Billboard Ad

Initially, i was quite stunned by this quote.. cos i cannot understand wad it means.. After some thoughts, I've come to realise its meaning..

Time cannot be made, it can only be spent.. And if one were to juz spend all their time making money, they are juz wasting time as we cannot spend money to make time..

So it is strange isn't it? That we are spending sth tat cannot be made yet, we are always striving to make sth that we can make anytime..

We can never go back to the time that has passed, but we can always make more money...

So shouldn't we use our time to build up sth that is as worthy as time? Like values, integrity, relationships, skills or courage?

Friday, January 20, 2006


I want to go Taiwan!! I wan to go 5566 concert!! The Taiwan Fans so fortunate!! Got so many freebies when they buy tickets.. and their tickets is actally smartcard lor.. so cool!! I wanna get all the side pdt of 5566 concert in Taiwan!!!

I suddenly like 183 Club le.. I shall label them as the boyband i like other than 5566.. muahahaha... Cos i watch their new mtv on scv.. it is so cute la... I also wanna watch lian ai mo fa shi... looks so so so so so nice!!

5566 rocks!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

hmm.. watched shikamaru's combat.. He's so cute~~

He says that he envy the clouds cos they are so carefree:)

I also envy of clouds.. they dun need to find job, dun need to study and evthg... they juz hang arnd in the sky..

I also wanna be a cloud.. juz hang arnd in the sky.. doing nth, juz enjoying the breeze and when my life comes to an end, raindrops will fall from heaven.. Thou I may lead a simple and short life, but i dun mind.. (juz hopefully i dun hav to deal with pollutions, and die of natural death, nt sickness--> acid rain)

Whenever I look at the clouds, I always feel that the clouds depicts another place, maybe it is another dimension, or another world.. I enjoy looking at clouds when i was young, somehow, i will feel happy and relax, juz by the movement of the clouds, it is juz like watching fireworks..

But now i rarely looks at clouds..

Today no go work and slack at home... Feels so shiok lor:D

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hmm.. listening to qing dian de shen(a very tall tale) soundtrack.. so nice~~

Recently tot of so much to write, but whenever i go online, i forgot all abt wad i am i trying to do..

Since i am listening to a very tall tale's sound track, i as well write abt it lor.. Recently, i can't help but keep reflecting on every show that i have watched.. i dunno what's wrong with me, cos i usu dun care much, like watch le then forget.. dunno wad's happening to me.. maybe i no use brains for too long le, so my brain is trying to find sth to do.. haha..

Personally, i think this movie do nt have much content nor logic.. basically, u juz go there to get amused by nicholas tse who acts gay etc.

Actually i think the story is quite sad(despite me laughing during the movie), in the end they were separated, with one being human while the other being horse.. I feel very sad for them, they truely love each other yet they are unable to be tgt.. well, it can be said tt they shldn't be tgt since one shld be a divine figure who cannot fall in love while other is an alien who shldn't even be there in the first place.. but isn't this part of fate that they ended up tgt? Why dun the heavens juz exile them to some ulu planet, why muz they be so sadistic.. juz like niu lang and zhi nu, muz separate them and let them meet once in a year.. Isn't tt very evil of them? so wad continue to give them the rights to be Gods which all respect when they are so cold blooded?

So they are very noble to give up personal love for the general love of all??

Well, then they are juz being cruel to those who love them..

Some have to be sacrificed for the sake of the general good rite?

To sacrifice the minority for the sake of majority..

So is this how the world works?

Friday, January 13, 2006


Anyway these few days waiting for pot to dl then chat to my jnrs.. only AMY and IGGY are worthy of praise cos they entertain me well.. stupid cherie is either doing proposal or play maple and darrell gimme 2-word reply everytime.. so actually i am nt wrong to favour iggy and amy last time.. haha..

anyway i finally gt scv at hm.. in the end keep stuck to tv.. haha.. ya.. i can watch wan quan yu le and see my ren fu.. also got zhi jing zhi dian.. Muahahaha..

Anyway these few days very cold.. everyone pls take care k..

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Where does Your Beauty Hide? Dark Pictures and Deep Results

brought to you by Quizilla

Your beauty hides in your dreams.
Your beauty is withen your dreams. Always staring at the sky, dreaming the days and nights away. Do you believe that you cannot live that dream, ever? Even though it may not come true, you can escape to it in the times of need. You build your happiness on a fantasy. But, don't we all when things seems so unperfect? What lies behind those beautiful eyes of yours is a perfect, beautiful world.

Your Quote:
'But, I can always dream.'

Your song:
Dreamer - Ozzy Osbourne

Gazing through the window at the world outside
Wondering if mother earth will survive
Hoping that mankind will stop abusing her, sometime

After all there's just the two of us
And here we are still fighting for our lives
Watching all of history repeat itself, time after time

I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away
I'm just a dreamer, who dreams of better days

I watch the sun go down like everyone of us
I'm hoping that the dawn will bring a sign
A better place for those who will come after us this time

I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away, oh yeah
I'm just a dreamer, who dreams of better days

Your higher power may be God or Jesus Christ
It doesn't really matter much to me
Without each other's help there ain't no hope for us
I'm living in a dream, a fantasy

If only we could just find serenity
It would be nice if we could live as one
When will all this anger, hate and bigotry be gone?

I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away, today
I'm just a dreamer, who dreams of better days, OK
I'm just a dreamer, who's searching for the way, today
I'm just a dreamer, dreaming my life away

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Very sian.. no more stuff to watch... in the end now doing quizzes... well, decided not to flood my blog again like last time.. so i shall only put up selected ones..

What Type of PRINCESS ARE YOU????????(beautiful anime pics)

brought to you by Quizilla

You are a sea princess- make way 4 the princess of salt water. u luv water or anytin that has 2 do wit water. i hope u get ur fish u r dyin 2 get

Hmm.. Hope fishes won't bite me;p

What does your innerself look like?(girls only)

brought to you by Quizilla

Congrats your innerself is fun and outgoing,you are cute and friendly and kind to many people.You don't like it when people insult your friends and you don't take it very well either.The guys like you because both your personality and looks.

Hehe.. so pretty!!

What mythological creature are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

"Tell it in rhythmic continuity. Detail by detail the living creatures.
Tell it as must, the rhythm solid in the shape.
Woman. Arms lifted. Shadow eater."
Fairies are old creatures of legend. They usually portray nature and beauty. You love animals and the outdoors. You appreciate the earth and all its creatures. You enjoy the company of others and love to talk. You have many friends constantly surrounding you, but only a select people are your true fruends. Sadness is your weakness and your enemy. You enjoy life and can often times be vain.

Hmm.. true.. hahaz

What were YOU in your past life? (pictures, detailed results,everyone can take it)

brought to you by Quizilla

You were a teacher! Strict,but funny, you taught children how to play musci and sing the most lovely songs.
Instructor: You took music seriously and hated it when others didn't. You taught your students the best, and never stopped playing music. You knew how to love, and soon found one. You love to play her your songs, and she loves to sing to them.
Intructress: Singing was you field of teaching. You loved to hear the children sing. You taught them the best. The children loved you because of your kind nature,but you felt something was missing. Yous oon found it, for it was love. Both of you died happily.
Flower:Lotus Flower
Colour:Pure White

Erm.. maybe it is true? Rmb i once said when i was young i like to pretend to be a teacheR?

What type of Dancer are you? (there are pics!!)

brought to you by Quizilla

you are a lot like ballet but you are more fluid. You move to the beat INSIDE of you. Whatever the music moves you to do, your body does. YOu are in touch with yourself and very moved by many things in your life.

Hmm.. Cool:)

What Tarot Card are you Most like?

brought to you by Quizilla

You are The Fool. You are smart, always ready to learn more, but you don't quite know enough to be afraid of new things.Innocent in your wisdom, wise in your innocence.

Oh no.. i dun wanna be a fool!!

::.What feeling are you trying to hide?.:: (awesome pictures/Updated!)

brought to you by Quizilla

You are hiding pain!
Your heart is deeply hurt and confused. You strive to be the happy, fun-loving person you once were but fail. Something in your life may have hurt you so deeply that you cannot seem to pull yourself back together and are constantly on the verge of falling apart. You are seemingly in a sea of darkness, in search of the light.


reily smith
what is your favorite kind of guy

brought to you by Quizilla

You Have Reily Smith he is a great guy and he is a sweet guy and he has a really nice personality have fun with him.

Wow.. damn handsome.. but who's tt? I still like those on my msn pic;p

What wings do you have(cool anime pics)[4 girls]

brought to you by Quizilla

You have white wings.U are caring and nice.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

hmm.. very long no blog le.. cos bz watching anime and vcds!!

Anyway i highly recommend "1 litre of tears".. who want can borrow from me.. I think i shedded more than 1 litres of tears thou i only watch 4 out of 11 of the episodes.. it is really really nice and touching and sad and evthg..

Currently watching fma.. gonna watch later too..

kk.. dun tok much le.. i go watch vcds;p

Hmm.. i haven't made any new year resolutions!!