me Me ME

Monday, March 26, 2012


The overwhelming stress is coming again!!! Arghhh...

I realized if I talk to my colleagues, they will say, ya it is my responsibility to work on weekend or to OT to finish unfinished work...

I was convinced tt I was too slack to insist not to work on weekend...

But after working hard on weekdays to compensate and I still cannot finish and work continue piling... I realized the work are just too much and unrealistic to finish... And why on earth am I obligated to devote my life to my job...

Shld quit but the one mth notice is a hurdle... Cos even if I quit, there is one mth which I have to endure everyone Coming after me for unfinished work... Sighhh.... 进退两难...

Will quit within this year... Will not want to live this kinda unbalanced lifestyle le...


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