me Me ME

Thursday, March 01, 2012

someone asked me, so is your peak over or is it coming? upon this sudden question, i found myself speechless as i really dun have an answer...
cos i cannot remember off-hand what has past, nor can i predict how the future will be...
maybe, i am someone who live in the present.... 把握现在, maybe i am tooo influenced by五月天... or maybe that is the mentality of many youths these day, to 及时享乐, as we dunno what will happen tmr... well, but that doesn't mean that i am a 月光族... i got save $$ de ok... haha!
anw back to the topic... i realised, humans, or maybe just me lah, have limited, selective memories.... for me, maybe i only choose to rmb things which i deemed is worthy... for example, from work, i only rmb what i have learnt, rmb the times i spent with my frens at work, the gossips;p... if you ask me what's for lunch yst, i most probably wouldn't rmb... for an asst which i ciriticised for past 1 mth, i alr forgot how bad he is alr... maybe i am just forgetful.. oops....
what i am trying to say is, since our memories are selective and limited, why do you bother to rmb things such as "I worked till 5am and slept 1h for one whole week becos of the job!" to consistently recalling and complaining to ppl arnd you even though two weeks have passed since tt job has ended, does it do you any good? not trying to 针对 anyone, but i just feel that, you are wasting your time and memory space remembering this.... does it do you any good? if it is so undesirable as you said it, why do u keep recounting it? or maybe actually you are secretly proud of the effort you have put into the job...
In view of many who are complaining abt their job but continued to stay on, i am sure there is sth which you like abt the job, be it the people, or the things you can learn from the job, or you are trying to prove yourself and prove other ppl wrong etc... so, just keep the positive memories of things related to these...
Instead of remembering that you have suffered, remember that you have learnt sth useful that will help you in the future/bring you closer to your goal... that will bring a smile to your face...
Instead of remembering the person who criticised you, remember the frens who stood by you to help and encourage you...
Instead of remember how biased things are against you, remember how things are biased towards you...
life is how you make it out to be, to wallow in negativity, or to beam in optimism... work is also part of your life so face it with optimism too =)
my yoga teacher always tell us to smile when we are holding our pose... and when I forced a smile on my face, i always find it more bearable and i can stay in the pose longer... maybe cos i am concentrated on try to smile and forgot the imbalance and the muscle stretch... so smile, and things will tide through more easily than you think it will be =)


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