me Me ME

Monday, March 31, 2008

OMG~~ Mike Myers' new movie!!! (in case u dunno, he is the guy who acted as Austin Powers!)

The Love Guru Official Trailer ( Release Date: 20.06 2008) ---> but in sg is sept...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Today went to 楊宗緯 autography session at suntec... haha... quite fun....

After tt, intend to go body shop warehouse sales but was detered by the super long queue.... nv expect there will be such a long queue for the warehouse sales... i wonder whether is it really that cheap... haha...

wanna study in the end keep talking, after that go shopping and met some sec sch classmate and chat for super long... haha...

when to read news online and suddenly found out that 陳楚河 acting in 命中注定我愛你... lol... so went to its official website and realised the story is quite nice(moreover have shuai ge acting in it)... another show to watch... haha...

life is so full of unexpectedness...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

i cannot slack anymore... i need some motivation!!

reading blog,, seeing alot of ppl gg thru the stage i have been thru, suddenly feel like i am old... well, at least mentally old since those ppl are of my age and technically older than me in terms of months... haha....

well, i hope after the change and realisation, everyone will become a better and happier person, like me;p lol...

I am still in training thou... be be less chicken move and more calm... haha...

Monday, March 24, 2008

omg... so late no sleep keep reading jokes...

lol... very funny 造句...

[ 能...真是...]--- 正確:能認識你這個朋友,真是我的榮幸。

for more:


蜜蜂媽媽說:“蒼蠅的大眼睛是帥了點,可你也不能嫁給個挑糞的 呀!”

Thursday, March 20, 2008

well, i was complaining abt my lack of cash and the so many stuff i wanna buy(my bata bag, charles and keith shoes etc) and was hoping that money will drop down from the sky... then richard told me, according to richard's aunt, i am entitled to the gst offset package!! according to richard aunt, all those who are turn 21 or are 21 and above in that year of payout is entitled to it... then i checked the gst website,

Who can receive GST Credits?
To receive GST Credits, you must:
Be a living Singapore citizen;
Be aged 21 or above in the year of payout; and
Sign up by 31 December of the year of payout.*

haha... so hopefully i am considered aged 21 in the year of payout... well, now looking forward to the letter sent to me in April... yeah yeah... money may be dropping down from the sky:D

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

recently my favorite channel is the tvbs news channel... taiwan election is just so exciting and interesting!!!

anyway yang zong wei is coming sg(to suntec fountain of wealth) on 29march!!! woo hoo!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I so wanna go out and shop/play... been doing one proj after another non stop that i haven't read the newspaper for so long... been seeing the daylight when i go sleep almost everyday... sigh...

Friday, March 14, 2008

2008HITO音樂獎 2007聲猛新人1

2008HITO音樂獎 2007聲猛新人2

These are the songs on those sites above...

2008HITO音樂獎 星光幫演唱2006十大金曲1

2008HITO音樂獎 星光幫演唱2006十大金曲2

These are the songs on those sites above...
Kiss Goodbye/許仁杰

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i wanna watch so many movies!!! August Rush, sky of love and the first rule(that shld be the name, it's some cl ghost movie).... but i have no time!!! need to do risk proj cos next mon hand in:( sad leh... too sleepy to do now... yest tries to do but dozed off after each word is typed... i wanna go sleep now but hair wet from bathing... sads...

anyway phase 2 is here!!! so many co. la... i wanna choose everything!! haha... but so bad they no put details of co... so need to find online one by one... wah lao...

anyway i started to do up blog... wah lao... waste time~

Saturday, March 08, 2008

i think friendster is a good in a sense it will send birthday reminders... haha... i always tries to rmb birthdays but most of the time i think i no try hard enough... i rmb all bdays of my family members, and for frensi can rmb those with similar no., like jj is 17/7, pot is 21/12, farah is 12/12, yihui is 19/9... yup, so if u belong to this cat, congrats!!! then there are others like specials dates, for eg, richard's bdae falls on valentines, and hx bdae is a combination of 2 unlucky no, 13/7... haha... then those in aug, i will tend to have more impression, like yuying is 10/8... erm, but for shuk i cant rmb, shld be 6or7 august... lol... correct me if i am wrong... then i rmb bek's birthday cos her bday falls on sept, and the other falls on dec, one is 12/9 the other is 9/12... haha.... so i rmb both of them... so if u wan me to rmb ur bday, can try to pair up with someone and report it to me.... then if u are lucky enuf, and ur birthday falls on same day as my sis, as in case of jieyi, 29/7, then i'll rmb... another sneaky way to let ppl rmb ur birthday is to PUT IT ON UR EMAIL!!! haha... that refers to caren227... haha... also wanx... 1/7... quite easy;D

the rest who are not mentioned, i prob can't rmb ur birthday.... i dun like birthdays that are on 30/31 of the month... cos i can nv rmb it is 30 or 31... sorry to sl, ym and jm.... then other birthdays on not easy to rmb dates, i usu will not rmb, i very very sorry to say, yy's and val's bdae!!! so it is essential those who i dun rmb has a friendster acct to remind me:D haha...

so dun ask me to use facebook, cos the only reason i use friendster is for the bdae reminder, which facebook dun have i think... lol:D

lol.... this week is full of activities... have to pia my law assignment, study for tax test, cut hair, do risk report, do mkting proj... currently, the first 3 are completed!!! haha!!! i am so deprived from the outside world!!!! help help!!!

anyway wanna order pizza hut delivery yest... then went to pizza hut website... and guess what?!!! i say this game at the website and then i got addicted!!! oh man!!! can't believe myself!!! anyway in the end we no order pizza hut, but went to da bao kfc!! sigh... fated to be addicted to that game... i think my hands are not so well trained... like ym can do her mindsweeper in like 3seconds, but i move my mouse to click one button, it is alr 3 seconds... need to get more training so that i will excel in the pizza hut game... currently my best score is a pathetic 304 compared to ppl 566... almost twice of my score la!!! i bet if ym go play she surely can beat the highscore...

tmr have mkting proj!!!! and have to finish risk report!!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Juz finished watching Piano no Mori - Movie ... it is super nice!!! watched it cos i read the manga... the manga is super nice thou the author is definitely taking his own sweet time to draw la... lol... but since it is abt piano, anime is definitely better when u can hear it:D

Monday, March 03, 2008

been eating many donuts lately... lol...

highly recommended J Co donuts~~~ u can find it at raffles city!! super nice la!!

anyway wad's dan shi???