me Me ME

Sunday, September 02, 2007

wanted to blog about this on friday, but was interrupted cos need to do proj...

was queuing for lunch at this place in ntu then the queue was super long la... then queue for quite long and finally we gg to reach the place to order... cos the place was very congested, so between us and the place to order, there is this gap for ppl who bought the food to move to the counter to pay for it...

so there is this grp of ppl, from country-u-know-who, took advantage of the gap and just jumped the queue, right before us... so my fren went on to confront one of them but the person insist that he was right behind the girl in front of us... ya right, so he's invisible all the while?! usually if someone jump queue and another person confront him/her, asking him/her to go to the back of the queue, one will just go right? well, but that person was super THICK SKIN! he juz stayed there and refused to move, then even go quickly order... well, there's really nth we can do abt it... honestly i was really shocked... i really can't believe there is ppl of such thick skin... spoil his country image la... later my fren says, "no wonder la, ppl from country x dunno queue one wad"... erm, i am not going to say that i am someone who dun discriminate(i dun exactly like nor dislike them), but his action really leaves a bad impression of ppl from his country... Well, u gotta behave if u dun belong, cos i suppose there is alwaz some sort of discrimination going on... I suppose it's how human behave, being beings that form soical groups, we dun exactly like to have ppl from other grp joining becos we are not exactly used to them...

Anyway back to the point, as according to my friend, "You can accomplish alot things if your skin is thick enough"...

Totally agree, but is it worth your dignity?


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