me Me ME

Monday, July 02, 2007

Well, if u are thinking how to be happy, then u probably aren't happy, cos if u are happy, u dun even need to think how, somehow the happy feeling will juz come over u and *daada* u are happy;D

i suppose the way to be happy is to cherise every little thing u have, be it family, friendship, money, roof over ur head, passing you exams.... even in bad times, u can cherise the lessons u have learnt from it, and how lucky u are able to get out of the trouble and still moving on happily...

thou i may have many troubles, but i alwaz juz complain and then forget all abt them... lol...

what you worry about will eventually come, so there is no need to worry; what makes u unhappy will eventually be/is already over, so just let it go...

Whatever and however dreadful it is, face it and it will be over; not face it, it will forever bother you...

For those who belive in a supreme being guarding u(e.g an angel), like me, whatever troubles i have, i will juz tell God, and leave the matters in His hands...
For those who believe in Science, when u throw a ping pong ball, after hitting the ground, it will bounce up, and life is like that, when u reach a pit, u will get up again...
For those who believe in Mathematics, what comes around goes around is show very clearly in probability, for example in gambling, eventually u will win what u lose...
For those who believe in TV shows, the lead character are always those who do not give up and believe in dreams coming true or even a miracle...

How to be happy, i really dunno.. i am juz happy, i dunno how to explain...

Maybe, believing that things will get better is the key to happiness...


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