me Me ME

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Are You Nosy?
Nosy Level: 30%

You are a well-mannered person who does not wish to invade other people's private lives. You are able to decide what topics are appropriate to talk about with people and what's not. You are confident in your ability to not offend.

A present for your boyfriend
Here is the analysis:

You have strong attitudes towards things. You often manipulate a story you've heard. It is not completely lying. You just add things to what you have heard and retell it in a different way.

Jealousy Test
Jealousy Level: 40%

You harbor hidden feelings of jealousy
You easily get jealous of other people, but you manage to control your expressions and emotions. For instance, when a close friend tells you that she has met the man of her dreams, you might sincerely say to her "Congratulations!", but what you're really thinking is "You're so lucky! Why can't I be you?"

How you control your husband, who will lead the family and who will be led?

You will never expect to control your boyfriend or husband. Your boyfriend and you will take turns to make decision and the decision is often acceptable to both of you. Whatever you want to let him know, you can just tell him straightforwardly. This is a good relationship, a pretty modern one.

Steal It!
What are the causes of your conflicts with friends?

A knife is a sign of masculinity. You like to attract the attentions from others; for example, you draw the attention from the boy your friend has a crush on. This may lead to a conflict with your friend. It is often the case that friends have a quarrel because of one guy.

The Bus
Here is the analysis:

You can take care of all members in the group very well. You make sure that everybody gets his or her plates during mealtime. You act like a caring mother all the time.

The Hang Glider
Here is the analysis:

You are ambitious. Your husband is likely to be a well educated and well-to-do. He should also have a secure job and succeed in his career. You do not care much what others think of you. You choose the man who adores you. You always dress well without caring how much you have to spend on your clothes. You are embraced with wealth.

A murder in your town
Here is the analysis:

It is common for you to imagine that you will have a happy marriage and wonderful kids. You are expecting your family to be like a happy family in the soap operas. "Dad is already home, mom." said the kids in a cheerful voice. You want that kind of warmth in your family.

The Squirrel
Here is the analysis:

You are very direct, which might freak them out. Something along the lines of "Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?" might slip from your lips.

Your Hidden Talent
Here is the analysis:

The Mass Communicator
You have a cheerful personality and you are a naturally kind person. Your hidden talent isn't really that hidden at all: you shine among a crowd. You would make an ideal news announcer, flight attendant or model - any position that would give you an opportunity to deal with plenty of people. A tip for you is to avoid getting too deeply involved in others' personal lives - otherwise you might find yourself constantly being asked for help.

Who is your dream guy?
Here is the analysis:

He is wild and adventurous. His path is often against the world. He does what he wants when he feels like. His type of girl is quite like him, independent and wise. If you love freedom and willing to risk, go for this guy.

What is this picture?
This test tells you what your wedding ceremony will be like.

You'll just head to a registry office, get the signing of the forms over with and be off on your honeymoon as soon as you can.

How well do you react?
Here is the analysis:

You recover quickly from disappointment. But when you feel that things are going wrong, you will react immediately.

Pick One
Here is the analysis:

Your future friend: You have a big sister confidence and leadership. So you friends are mostly vulnerable and always need your help. You can't resist helping these people and eventually you all will become good friends.
Your travel plan: In the future, you will often take overseas trips especially to modernized countries. You will get to explore Europe and North Asia like you always wanted.
Your future financial status: You are a big spender! You always spend on friends and luxury goods without feeling guilty. No matter how much you earn, you churn to match it. Your credit cards get thinner and thinner from frequent swipes. The figure in your bank account is not what you enjoy seeing.
The last period of your life: You can't stand being a lonely old lady so you will spend the last days of you life being a kind loving grandparent so that the kids will love to have you around.

Whats your favorite mode of travel?
This will tell about your marriage.

You wish to achieve your goal at speed. While you are seen dreamy, you also work hard. Try not to run away from problems and you will surely be successful.

What do your friends think of you?
Here is the analysis:

You are popular. Your friends feel at ease when they are around you. You are cheerful and lovely. It's not surprising that you have many good friends. You always feel happy for others, not a glimpse of envy. This is your unique character. Keep up!

The Rain
This will tell about your marriage.

You are like most other ladies who dream of a memorable wedding.

The Bottle
What if your boyfriend goes out with another girl?

You are like most others who take the middle track. Although you won't get over-worried, you are not too optimistic either. You overcome bad times after a while and patience will bring you happiness.

The Bridge
Here is the analysis:

You are persistent. It's not your way to get only half of your job done. You have an extreme character. You can be really nice to someone but mean to another. Anyway, your friends still like you the way you are.

What's in the cave?
Here is the analysis:

You only think about having affairs with another but you will never cheat on your loved one in real life.

Your Sixth Sense
Your Sixth Sense Score: 73%

You are reasonable and won't get blown by temptations. However, you might miss some great opportunities.

A Magic Present
Here is the analysis:

You enjoy many activities. You also like traveling. You don't want to give your money to others, preferring to spend just for yourself. You never think of lavishing your money on unnecessary stuff.

The Thing You Forgot
Here is the analysis:

Selecting this item means you understand things around you well. However, when you want to prove that you are right, you are likely to insist with the words "yes, yes, yes", but don't offer further explanation.

The House
Here is the analysis:

Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader. You are a freedom lover and a strong person.

You are talkative and sociable. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. You often come up with solutions to problems. You are an ambitious person.

You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You always have plans on your mind. This might cause a lot of stress if things don't go the way you expect. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people.

You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself.

Your Working Style
You are enthusiastic innovators, always seeing new possibilities and new ways of doing things. You have a lot of imagination and initiative for starting projects, and a lot of impulsive energy for carrying them out. You are stimulated by difficulties and are most ingenious in solving them. You can get so interested in your newest project that you have time for little else. Your energy comes from a succession of new enthusiasms and your world is full of possible projects. Your enthusiasm gets other people interested too.
You see so many possible projects that you sometimes have difficulty picking those with the greatest potential. Your feeling can be useful at this point to help select projects by weighing the value of each. Your feeling judgment can also add depth to the insights supplied by your intuition.

Your feeling preference shows in a concern for people. You are skillful in handling people and often have remarkable insight into the possibilities and development of others. You are extremely perceptive about the attitudes of others, aiming to understand rather than judge people. You are much drawn to counseling and can be inspired and inspiring teacher, particularly where you have freedom to innovate. With talent, you can succeed in almost any field that captures your interest-- art, journalism, science, advertising, sales, the ministry, or writing, for example.

A difficulty for you is that you hate uninspired routine and find it remarkably hard to apply yourself to sometimes necessary detail unconnected with any major interest. Worse yet, you may get bored with your own projects as soon as the major problems have been solved or the initial challenge has been met. You may need to learn to follow through and finish what you have begun, but are happiest and most effective in jobs that permit one project after another, with somebody else taking over as soon as the situation is well in hand.

Because you are always being drawn to the exciting challenges of new possibilities, it is essential that you develop your judgment. If your judgment is undeveloped, you may commit yourself to ill-chosen projects, fail to finish anything, and squander your inspirations by not completing your tasks.

How do you eat fried eggs?
Here is the analysis:

You are logical, smart and inventive. It's okay for you to make people think that you are a little self-centered. You just focus on what you're doing.

What Would You Do?
Do you have a chance with the one you love?

You have had chances but you let them go without taking any risks.

In any case, if you don't make any efforts to meet people, no relationship is going to get started.

Toilet Test
Here is the analysis:

You are an efficient person but you always need time to think through issues before taking action. You can be a romantic one but you are too hasty making decisions in love. Generally, you are very cheerful.

The Eating Test
Here is the analysis:

You are generally a calm person. You get excited when your favorite band is in town, when you are going on a date with your partner or when you and your friends are dancing. Your friends mean everything to you. You hate it when the summer is over.
You like art, and some poetry. You can throw a party, or help a friend put one together. You usually have no trouble finding dates, but you occasionally hit a dry spell. You like the outdoors, usually, and rainy weather doesn't bother you. You sometimes get jealous of people who are smarter or better looking than you, but you wouldn't hold it against them if you got to know them. You are on good terms with your parents, even though they annoy you once in a while. People tend to think you are reliable and trustworthy. You like animals.

What's in the picture?
Here is the analysis:

The most important thing in your life is a well-developed mind.
The type of friends that you want is understanding and sensible.

Out of This World
This test indicates your attitude towards your present situation in life.

Though you are happy with your present situation, you think a change would be better.

The Egg
The egg indicates your attitudes towards your relationships with others.

You leave your relationship to fate.

Fountain of Emotion
The drawing of water springing out of the fountain tells something about emotions.

Your emotion is unstable. Sometimes you're very hot tempered, but you can be very calm in many cases.

Peeking Through a Hole
Here is the analysis:

When communicating with the one you like, you think you know him/her, but sometimes you're not sure.


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