me Me ME

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Food now!!!

haha... i rmb once i went to city hall and saw the long long queue at donut factory... then i commented to sl "why sgreans so free huh? no need to work or study meh?!"... why, i finally realised that sgreans are really very free... yesterday my sis went out with her fren to city hall... initially they wanna find a place to sit and chat.. then they came across the donut factory queue and decided they can stand and chat too!! so i get to enjoy donut factory's donut;D haha...

oh... dun be deceived by the pic... the sugarcane drink is huge la!!! and it costs like $2.50... anyway this drink is bought from chomp chomp in case any of u wondering... i rem the auntie asked me and my sis u want small, medium or large, then we said medium becos we saw this cup and thought it was big and a smaller cup thinking it shld be medium... in the end this cup is medium... i wonder how large is large... haha...

anyway the best has yet to come... coming up, giant crab!!

looks big rite?!

close up... looks so yummy!!

this is with comparison to a brocoli...

okie... that's all... next is animals!!


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