me Me ME

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hehehe... i found a job!! so happy... now no need to find a tuition job so urgently alr, that can be put off to when my sch reopen;D

recently, things went pretty good for me(thank God!) and i certainly hope it continue so... and i hope that my last wish will be fulfilled soon... hehe...

anyway regarding my job, it's at raffles place... who wanna pei me lunch... anyway i am starting work on wed... so yup, wont be free on weekdays le... anyway, this job has OT one... i really hope i get plenty... haha... then can earn money to neutralise my spending....

GST hike coming on 1st july!! Muz go shop at GSS!! Thou today alr bought like 2 mango top and a bag, but i wanna buy more leh!! pot!! i wanna buy from cutie fashion!!


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