me Me ME

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Got a job which I am not entirely satisfied with.

Initially wanted to accept it since i am happy that I got an offer in such a short time and I am tired of gg for interview. But after a game of mahjong, I decided to decline.

I Realised that in my life, I have always been willing to settle for something less, as long as it is the easy way out. It's time I shld relook at my life and take it seriously. I shld not just win 1 tai 2 tai, but instead, I shld aim to 赢把大的... Although it may seemed 不切实际, more mafan, and maybe I will regret it later, but at least I had tried and know that it doesn't work, instead of just choosing the easy way without even trying first. And more often than not, if you were to keep trying, eventually you will be able to win at least one big one...

No more taking the easy way out. I need to 沉淀, 蓄势待发.

等久了就会来的. I believe that the right one will come eventually, be it career or love. And since love doesn't look like it's coming soon, career will come cos God is fair:) 宁缺毋滥. Don't settle for the second best when u know you deserve better.

I know I shouldn't judge, but some ppl trapped themselves in situation cos they prefer the easy way out. And to stay status quo is always the easy way out. Don't take the easy way, ask yourselves if this is really what you want, and choose the way following your heart.


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