me Me ME

Sunday, April 05, 2009

my 3 years of uni is coming to an end... so sad last thu i never take picture of my last lecture!! damn sad lor... gg to bring my camera on tue and force my 311(last tutorial) and 248(last seminar) group members + tutors to take pictures with me... wahahaha!

quite sad as i know i will lose many friends i had made in uni, those friends that i will talk to in class or when i bump into them outside class/ even go home tgt, but not close enough to go out tgt for outing and stuff...

there are many ppl we met in each stage of our life, making our life a bit different than before, however after we part and as time passes, perhaps we could not even rmb their faces anymore, or perhaps when we met again, we will have nth to talk to each other anymore... but i am really thankful for these ppl who appear in my life, making a difference to my life...

sigh... well, life goes on... but i think they will stay in my memories, making me smile/laugh to myself whenever i look back at those funny moments we shared tgt...


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