me Me ME

Sunday, March 22, 2009

watched the last part of 无能为力-石欣卉 mv on tv... then went online to watch the whole mv cos curious abt the storyline

无能为力 石欣卉

after watching the mv, i think that guy character is such a jerk la... diao... dun wan to get married/ scare of commitment then still go propose... then in the end run away... wth... anw it is a nice song:D

oh ya, found another 无能为力 by 張敬軒

think this song quite nice too... but so wierd, why the girl suddenly have to go? haha... she got expelled from sch ar?

anyway recently have been listening to some albums cos i was reading... i quite like show luo 小豬 羅志祥's slow songs cos he always sing till i feel very sad for him... haha... this is one of the song 搞笑... but the ending is like happy one leh... haha... i quite bu shuang... spoil the sadness of the song...


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