me Me ME

Monday, May 26, 2008

video time~~

i very fair one... 林宥嘉 is going to have his new album... haha... this is his new song mv... actually i like 林宥嘉 one, but my sis influence me to like him lesser... haha... but his song 背影, the song for 斗牛要不要 is super nice... too bad this new song - 神秘嘉宾 is not as nice, in my objective opinion la... actually i prefer him to sing those very relax song, like when he sang 那些日子 by taozi... anyway the second video is he sings with this girl - 劉力揚 who sing tiAmo with 炎亚纶... 炎亚纶 spoilt the song la!!! so lucky for her this time she sings with 林宥嘉... so the song not bad:D last video is the china olympics song... so if u are interest, can try to spot the celebrities inside... lol!!

林宥嘉 神秘嘉宾

傳說(完整版) - 林宥嘉 劉力揚

《北京歡迎你》MV (官方6'50"正式完整版)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

hmm... doing my internship the last 2 weeks... makes me very tired cos have to wake up very early everyday... sigh... finally today have the chance to go read blogs... so many ppl updated so many posts recently!!! haha...

anyway my job has been very slack since... haha... hopefully i will get busier... and so many birthdays upcoming... makes me have to go out every fri and sat... so tired....

anyway yest went to watch the iweekly concert cos was at orchard... heard my fav song by qiang bian and also gary cao!!!! haha... i wanna go his concert!!!

anwyay busy catching my videos cos no time to watch any... and that pot keep hao lian to me that she is watching gokusen la... wah lao!! i no time to watch!!!

ok la... i think that's all for now... gg back to watch my video... later need to do some elogbook thingy for my internship cos the school requires it... diao... says i slack and slack???

Friday, May 16, 2008

Pray hard for the ppl who are affected by all the natural disasters happening around the world....

Treasure the ppl around you...

Thursday, May 08, 2008

yest went for my first yoga class since 2 yrs ago... now hands gg to break... it is 1h45min la!!! think i will nua for the days to come w/o exercise le... haha... wanna watch 超级星光大道 3 but failed... think i shall just watch from last week onwards ba... super not motivated to watch episodes in front...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

wanna watch 翻滚吧!蛋炒饭 ... but it seemed a boring show after reading the story summary... in the end no watch... anyone watch alr think it is nice please inform me... haha...

anyway today gave up on skipping cos i scare my floor will spoil if i skip too much... lol!!! wanna go run but it is too hot alr... only woke at 830... last time i run is wake at 7am... so i decide to go online to find a dance video and learn the dance steps... i really have ZERO talent... lol... only 7 steps and i practise for arnd 30-45mins and still very lousy at it.... haha... i definitely cannot rmb the steps so no need to ask me to perform for u all... anyone interested, the video is below... actually it is quite a fun to exercise, can amuse yourself at the same time( for me la... cos i keep laughing at my clumsy moves)

Monday, May 05, 2008

wahh... i need to exercise le... last time i skipped 1000 times with ease... today i skipped 500 times and feel like dying...

Friday, May 02, 2008

watching 命中注定我愛你 now... haha... 陳楚河 is super handsome!! woohoo!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

watching my dramas at home... feel so slack... all i do is sleep, eat, use com and watch tv.... lol... i think i need to go to the library soon... borrow some books... haha....

now only finished kiss2... determined to finish 2 more dramas by tmr...