me Me ME

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

lol... i keep having the feeling i very long no blog alr... but it has only been a few days la, since last entry is 26th jan and now is 30th jan... i keep having the feeling that time not only flew, but rocketed away.... oh man!! i am so lagging behind!!! have 2 cases to do and many many readings left unread... but one good thing, i have plenty of sleep... well, i guess u all know where my time went now... but i only sleep 7h a day lor... which is still 1h short of 8h... haha... but i suppose last time i sleep lesser, so time seems to be slipping away from me!!! sobsob... ok... gtg school now!! byebye!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

i think 小豬模仿蕭敬騰 super funny!~

Thursday, January 24, 2008

YAY!!! Bought Yang Zong Wei's album finally... his album was released on 11 jan lor... today is 23rd, finally got it:D these are some pic:D

This is a pic to advertise for HMV... haha... for it being so wonderful to sell his album:D

This is the outer packaging(front)

Outer packaging(back)

This is a sketch book la... got his pic and his drawings...
This is the free calender that comes with the album la... the cover page...

Inside of the calender

This is the cd casing(front)

cd casing(back)

Inside the casing... haha... cd and lyrics book

Lyrics book!!! haha... i wonder he will come sg anot... then can autograph the lyrics book;p

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Hurt is more than just ouch

vulnerable, so hurted

There is no one to blame... To blame will be too selfish...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Think my grp blog spoilt alr... i keep cannot see anyth when i access... so wierd... but no time to go fix it la... or maybe it is juz my prob...

anyway so much stuff to do!!! many readings and videos to read/watch... haha... sleeping at 2am everyday cos watching yu le bai fen bai... aiya... got addicted alr... so sad!

anyway i wanna buy yang zong wei new album la!!! but cannot find in sg!!! sob!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

my recent recrea activity is to find 楊宗緯's news and videos... suddenly alot of new videos after i no find for one week... lol!!! haha... juz updated the ge zi mv in previous post to the full version... he have another new mv called 讓... haha... this song is more like him la... the bei qing song... lol..

super sleepy now.... yawn!!! slept at 3am yest and woke at 4am cos i decided to record the show instead of watching... in between keep awake... in the end finally get to have a nice sleep at 4am.... woke at 7.07 and was super shocked la... no hear my phone alarm ring again lor... must be too sleepy... so in the end late for lessons but luckily mrt today spoil so the teacher dun mind... haha... but actually by the time i take met it has recovered le... no wonder today the bus queue super long la... but dunno why everyone insistent on taking 179a... walked all the way in front to queue for 179 as its queue is empty... halfway got bluffed by 252 queue lor... hai me miss one bus... in the end still managed to reach class at arnd 840... not bad leh... haha...

Just now spent hrs trying to fill up internship applications... in the end only fill up a few cos all are super lengthy... anyway i 100% won't get in any one la... dunno what came over me that i suddenly so enthu go fill in.... i confirm no hope one lor... the barclays one really cmi, still need to write stuff on implications of recent events on industry etc type of story.... in the end juz crap since i am alr halfway thru it... might as well... haha... then after that realised have some stats test and reasoning test la... my mind was so dead by then but i juz went on to do, cos lazy to return to the site to do again... need to return within 24/48 hrs i think... haha... so juz anyhow do, then my hse tv on so loudly somemore, makes me cannot conc... so in the end i think i juz wasted my whole effort cos i am so gg to fail the test... no even read questions properly la....

anyway waiting to watch variety show at 3am now.... juz now missed it cos filling up the stupid forms... haha... now crazy me trying to catch it thou i have 830 lessons tmr... oh yea man... i am gg mad...

Saturday, January 05, 2008

楊宗緯 鴿子mv

posted its full lyrics in the previous post.... i really love the chorus... esp the part in blue:D

跟著快樂王子 一起尋找幸福的地址

Friday, January 04, 2008

my new year resolution is to be able to catch a beetle alive using tissue paper and kill/dispose it.... cos i am forever very tramuatized by beetles which flew into my house and i dunno how to kill them unless they land on a flat hard surface which is big enough for me to smash them using a magazine....

juz now a beetle flew in and i stared at it on the window still for a long time but too disgusted and traumatised to pluck up enough courage to catch it via tissue... so in the end it juz keep flying around my hse and it keep refusing to land on some surface which i can smash it!! in the end, cos everyone else was asleep except me, i resort to using yes, insecticide!!! i sprayed at it and fell onto my sofa, intoxicated, then oh man, fell on sofa!!! still cannot smash cos is soft surface!!! in the end still have to pick up its dead body, unsmashed... took me so much courage to do so!!! i think i will nv be able to overcome the fear... ahhhhhHHHHHHH, i am such a wimp!!

preview of 楊宗緯 new songs!!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I really hope that great things will happen to me in this new year... i suppose it would be best to have great things happening without me trying to make it happen...


跟著快樂王子 一起尋找幸福的地址

有一種感動 它的名字叫念舊
就算襯衫有點皺 球鞋有點破
就算鄉音有點難懂 我卻是情有獨鍾
放下沈重的包袱 心靈從此解脫
換上夾腳拖鞋 雙腳重獲自由
最難過的難過 我也已經度過

跟著快樂王子 一起尋找幸福的地址

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

there is this concert on 30th dec 2007 named 星光幫之老師同學會... The performers are 星光4少, 楊宗緯, 袁惟仁, 陶晶瑩 and 黃大煒...

this video is super cute... 星光4少, 楊宗緯 and 陶晶瑩 sing 一支小雨傘 tgt... haha... super cute la... they all come out with different sizes of umbrella!! very heartwarming also:D haha... pauline, u can follow this link and watch the rest of the concert on youtube!! dun complain i no give u link k...

盧學叡, 愛我的兩個人MV... haha... put this mv up cos i thought it is rather interesting...

盧學叡(小美) has his first ablum debut... so cute!! he cried cos 楊宗緯 suddenly show up at his autography session!!