me Me ME

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Very Disgusting

Hmm.. I gonna start my story!! If u haven't have ur meal yet, or juz had ur meal, or gg to sleep soon, i advice u to not read it...


I am starting...

Today i went toilet, to do some BIG business... When i flush, the water GUSHED OUT instead of being sucked in.. In the end, water overflow out of the toilet bowl onto the floor, nonstop!! I jumped as a feeble attempt to avoid the gushing flow of water... But gravity eventually pulled me back.. luckily i am not wearing slippers
!! The "business" did not flow out of the toilet bowl, but it float happily in the toilet bowl, threatening to flow out anytime.. EEEEEEEEEEE!!

I tried to flush again, cos i feel bad to leave the toilet in this condition, however, it juz worsen the situation!! I quickly run out of the cubicle and wad's next i do not know but i feel very guilty towards the cleaner..

That's all:s


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