me Me ME

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I met my cousin on bus yesterday!!!!

It's such a BIG thing!!! I nv see my cousin for so so so so so so long!!! So exciting to see him!! Initially when he called my name, i can't recognise him!! Tot he's my pri sch classmate or sth.. In the end realised is my cousin!! haha... so happy to see him!!

Hmm.. lets talk abt my cousin cos i am so happy to see him!! He is my childhood mate.. As most of my fren knows. my sisters are very much older than me, so i got no playmate at home when i am young.. so i will usually go to my grandma hse where my cousin also stays there to play with him and his younger brothers.. hehe.. Now u all know why i so boyish le ba... cos i grew up like a boy wad.. haha... We loved to play, talk and even fight with each other.. The most enjoyable thing is actually to ostracise our other irritating cousin.. Hehe.. Also he's 2 yrs younger than me.. that's y i like iggy so much cos he reminded me of my cousin!!

Hmm.. seeing my cousin reminds me so so so much of my memorable childhood!! When i saw him yesterday, it's so surprising that we still have so much to talk abt:D

Hehe.. it's so exciting to see my cousin!! COol!! Hope that i can see him soon!!


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