me Me ME

Sunday, November 30, 2008

hmm.. i went bugis on the day that my exams ended... and i wondered into precious tots and a bookshop... initially wanted to buy christmas cards, but suddenly felt inspired and wanted to DIY the cards... haha...

well, no guarantee that i will make la...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

everytime during exams, it's the time for me to ponder through my set of philosophies which i will forget after exams ended... so u can see how focused i am when i was studying...

i rmb i wanted to blog sth, but nw i forgot!!

oh ya, i suddenly rmb...

during this exam period, i keep on thinking abt my life time dream... haha...

first, i wanted to be a farmer,

then i wanted open a cafe,

then after watching the korean drama "on air", i wanted to be a scriptwriter again(well, it used to be my dream but i think my concepts all lack depth and creative ideas) and get hooked with a cute director like what happened in the drama

oh ya, i also wanted to be an entrepreneur who start a anti-balding hair care shop and later to develop into a chain that is all over the world (sth like yun nam / beijing 101)...

seriously, i think this can work!!! after becoming an auditor (which i hope some company will want me), then i will get my access to a huge network of potential customers cos they are overstressed!!! afterwhich i will go to some place to find a formula for hair growth(well, i will try to achieve this part asap), and afterwhich, i will find some venture capitalists to aid me to start a business!!! woohoo!!!

so after my chains become a success, i can go open a cafe(oh ya, sell vietnam coffee!! recently obsessed with it!!!) and spend my time in my cafe to think of ideas for my script writer(obviously i will hire someone to mend my shop la, i will help out if when i feel uninspired)... then i will find my cute director... hohoho!! (actually i am keeping the options open, dun exactly need to be director, just need to be cute and talented and has promising future)

and when i am old, me and my director would have earned enough to go to new zealand to farm for the rest of our lives.... lalala...

well, fat hopes... come on, i am a realistic person! haha!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

look at the last few seconds of the mv... from 5:18 onwards... so poor thing!!! he got buried~~ I think i am very sadist... haha!

黃靖倫-缺席 MV

I like the lyrics of this song:D
黃靖倫 - 月光MV



慢慢的一二三 漸漸的在兩端
獨自穿過陌生街頭 不讓淚逗留

一樣的月光 蒸發了淚光

一樣的月光 照在我的心上

喜悅 悲傷 因你而發光
陪我 去闖


慢慢的一二三 漸漸的在兩端
獨自穿過陌生街頭 不讓淚逗留

一樣的月光 蒸發了淚光

一樣的月光 照在我的心上

一樣的月光 蒸發了淚光

一樣的月光 照在我的心上

喜悅 悲傷 因你而發光
陪我 去闖


Monday, November 17, 2008

using tissues to chope seats is impolite meh?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

went to watch cape no. 7 premier cos i got free tickets... i think the movie quite nice leh... dun mind watching it another time cos i think this movie can be watched from various angles... so watching it once is not enough... haha...
