me Me ME

Saturday, September 27, 2008

back from taiwan for many 3 days le... sigh... so many proj la... and so not motivated to do anyth... lol... anyway supposed to be doing written report... geri said sat night... think i can only finish on sun morning ba... sigh... no mood no mood no mood no mood no mood...

i wanna live a life which i can do whatever i like whenever... sigh...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Going to taiwan later today at 1pm... will be back on wed 1130pm...

Friday, September 05, 2008

sigh... wasted time playing flash game... but very fun...


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I think i have violent tendency.

I cannot be rich, if i am rich, i will surely smash all my stuff. Having this tendency to smah my handphone, luckily i always rmb i have no money to buy a replacement.

I will die either from smashing my head onto the wall(wanted to try that many times but always managed to stop myself), car accident(cos always anyhow cross the road) or sudden death from an undetected heart problem(i seriously think i have heart problems, sometimes my heartbeat will be irregularly fast and have breathing difficulties(not cos i see handsome guys hor...) ).

listening to many cds online while doing my proj presentation... 梁静茹 李玖哲 神木与瞳 杨宗纬 ... well, of course 杨宗纬 is the best... haha... it is his concert album... i have the dvd but no time to watch yet!! so want to watch!!! but the cd so nice la... he rocks!!! haha... also got record like what he said during the concert etc... i think he is so superstar like la!!! really hope after his contract end with his current agent, he will find a better agent who will let his career reach a greater height... haha... i wanna hear more songs from him!!!