me Me ME

Friday, December 28, 2007

results out.... well, it is worse than expected, or somewhere around there... but managed to stay in the 4 region on an overall basis, so ok la... finally feel relieved:) thanks everyone out there who prayed for me... haha... still feel abit sad but i suppose in life i shouldn't ask for much, if not i won't be satisfied right:D be it good or bad, i still have to fight on right... just like kenichi, oh ya, fyi he's my current fav manga character;D

been watching hana yori dango 1&2... so diff to find the channel to watch online cos it is licensed... that means youtube and crunchyroll dun have... in the end have to go to some streaming tv... gonna finish it today so that i can start watching gokusen season 1... but it's loading so slow now!!! anyway i think the hana yori dango guys are not handsome at all initially, but as i watched they become ok cos their characters all very nice in the show... think i must have been traumatised by romantic princess... those guys(except wu zhun) cannot hold a candle to them... haha...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

finished watching tang xin feng bao a few days ago... it's a great show but the love triangle is so not value-adding to the show... so as usual, i fast forwarded those parts... haha... anyway u all can borrow the vcds from me, first come first serve... (note: the vcds cannot play on my dvd player but can play on everyone else's)...

exams results are going to be out on the 28th... i presume my final papers should be quite good but my coursework really sucks... so hopefully my gpa can maintain status quo... everyone out there, please pray for me!!!

feeling super bored at home but also dun feel like going out... letting my thoughts run wild and i find myself pondering possible negative events that may happen to me... below are 2 of the more extreme events:
  1. doing badly for exams, to the extent of failing and i need to retake and everyone is super disappointed with me and i dun deserve to be watching tv/playing com or doing anything now cos i should spend all my time feeling guilty and regretting
  2. died in the middle of the night while i sleep
then i find myself comforting myself... sigh... for event no. 1, i will keep trying to comfort myself but afterwhich that i will suddenly feel that i am self deceiving and the event will indeed occur then i will comfort myself again then the vicious cycle goes on... for event no. 2, i will then keep trying to ensure that i am breathing until i finally fall asleep...

KAN KAI... shouldn't worry cos worry dun do anyth good but waste time and makes me feels bad... okok... Gone are the worries.... sometimes i think i am quite good at comforting myself, haha... but i dun think i am good at comforting others cos i will counter my own argument several times and come up with new aruguments each time until i finally convinced myself...

i realised sometimes what is the best for me is already presented in front of me, but i will keep resisting it and before i finally accept it, i was merely hurting myself...

i suppose that occurs to most people, because we didn't think happiness can come easily, so we tend to choose the difficult route... happiness does not come after achievements only... it is available everywhere, you just need to believe and u can feel that it is all over the place...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Falalalala lalalala
'Tis the season to be jolly, Falalalala lalalala

Thursday, December 20, 2007


this post is a tribute to Jiraiya, also known as Ero-sennin... he is a character in the Naruto manga, one of the 3 "S" rank ninja in Konoha, the teacher of Naruto... He just died in the Naruto manga... He is a great ninja and had died for a worthy cause ...

so deepest respect to Jiraiya-sama...

finished all my drama series... well, at least i watched up to latest episode... finally done with romantic princess after enduring for so long!!!

super looking forward to kiss2 and bull fighting this sunday!!! hohoho!! and waiting for yy to pass me tang xin feng bao and meteor garden(jap version):D

Monday, December 17, 2007

watched "The Warlords" today... quite a nice film... i suppose the story is subject to many interpretations, depending on which character one prefer....

some wierd loopholes in the movie(or maybe i got the facts wrong), which makes me dun really like it... haha... shall not discuss the movie story since i think it is nicer to watch w/o knowing the ending:D

anyway i have been trying hard to make myself sit down and watch taiwan idol dramas... cos i keep lazing around my hse, not doing anyth constructive, thou watching drama also not constructive la... haha... starting on it started with a kiss 2 and bull fighting... romantic princess is forsaken until i caught up with bull fighting... lol!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Quoting from the blog of my ganjie, "happiness is retrospective"...

retrospective... reminds me of accouting terms!! lol!! that is the treatment to correct a previous accounting error and change in accounting policy... change in accounting estimate is prospective...

well, i suppose this applies to life as well, if u realised u have wrongly accounted for a memory as a bad one, once u realised it, u will modify it to become a happy one... if u changed ur whole definition of happiness, then all happy and unhappy events that happened in the past should be re-evaluated, hence, retrospective...

when u feel that ur attitude to a certain event need to be change, u start seeing that particular event from another point of view, thus u change it prospectively...

however, change in accounting policy rarely occurs, so does the change in definition of happiness, most of the time we will just see it as a change in accounting estimate, i.e., we will just change our attitude to a certain event... cannot ignore it as it is against the Financial Reporting Standard...

so if u feel unhappy, just change ur attitude to a certain event, see it from another perspective... this prospective change will make u a happier person...
no, i am not suggesting you to work against your principles as it will then be a change in accounting policy which will then be retrospective...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Watching romantic princess... keep having to switch between extreme emotions when the male lead and the second male lead appear...

Male lead: OMG!!! so shuai!! how can someone be so perfect???!!!!

Second male lead: Oh man, I wanna box him!!!!

okok... dun be evil le... haha... need to rest for a day if not have spilt personality...

I wanna learn to play the magic cube!! They guy on tv is so pro!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Just finished fighting my war... actually my stars war is quite ok... not that competitive thou i could not get 2 indices of my initial choice... but managed to register all!! ok, now my fridays are free!! haha...

sigh.... star wars starting in 6h45min... still dunno which timetable to choose!!!

should i choose a 3days week which will work me to death? or should i choose a timetable that i like? or should i choose a timetable that's same as my frens? alll choices seemed attractive to me!!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Jam Xiao - 蕭敬騰 Golden Horse Award 07 (8 Dec 07)

Prefer his hairstyle in this mtv, also black piano suits him better... lol!!

"一眼瞬間" - 蕭敬騰 & 張惠妹

Who wanna watch Nanking with me? haha...

watching the channel 8 stars award part 1, why dun have xie shao guang!!!

Test 1 ---> type A

Test 2 ---> Haha, i am leo, so best frens are supposed to be gemini and libra...

Test 3 ---> ok, i will have alot of fren when i am older!! yeah!!

Test 4 ---> Type H

Test 5 ---> C

Test 6 ---> 3

Test 7 (highly recommended!!) ---> 12435

Test 8 ---> 4

Thursday, December 06, 2007

i think i ought to reflect on my groupwork... got lousy grades for all my grp projects this sem... well, actually know that i will do badly cos not much effort has been put in ba... my best proj grade is an individual proj... opps... haha...

well well well, new year resolution, i vow to get my proj grps to work effectively so all my friends and i can get good grades...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

watched "Hero" today with sl... haha... quite a nice show, makes me wanna watch the tv serial... anyone who has it can kindly lend it to me, cos i can't find one in TS... also i dun really like to watch series on computer...

Sincerely, the climax of the whole movie is Lee Byung-hun appearing for around 3mins in the middle of the show... super handsome and cool!! haha!!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

-Kan-Kai-Attitude: Verse 1-

Just look forward,
No matter what had happened...

Hope exists,
Because no one knows what will happen the next moment...

Monday, December 03, 2007

To shuk,


sigh... my cl deteriorated...

anyway i really think my neighbourhood is not very safe... either that or the crooks all live near me... well, recently there is this jogger who went for a run at 10am and was beat up and robbed by 4 girls... well, the 4 girls only rob her $2...

i really can't help but i really wanna say this, this goes to prove that these girls are not exactly very smart cos who will bring so much money when u go for a run?! well, imagine being charge for robbing $2?! well, i suppose it is not a case of how much is robbed, but something to do with morality, like u shldn't go rob ppl nor shld u beat up someone... well, please pple, next time, pls educate ur children well, pls advice them, "when u want to rob, pls rob a bank"... okok, kidding... tell ur children not to rob cos it is against the law, and it is stupid to sacrifice ur virtue or life or freedom over money etc etc...

I wonder what is lagging the education that caused ppl to break the law...

another thing, i burnt my toe~~ very pain neh!!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Whenever i feel bored, i have a few links in my favourites to keep me occupied... this is one of the links...

astrology and horoscope

ok... here are some tests from the link that i have played and think is quite accurate or interesting... can take a look if u are as bored as me!!

test 1 test 2 test3 test 4

wanted to watch so many taiwan idol drama but too lazy and unmotivated to watch them...