me Me ME

Thursday, September 27, 2007

when it rained on monday, i woke up feeling so inspired...

then this morning it rained again, i finally put my inspiration into words... haha... or rather lyrics... yeah!! i wrote a song, well, only the chorus part... lol... cos i have no time to think abt the rest cos need to go out do proj alr... hehe...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

term break = slack time

well, that's for me... i am supposed to be catching up and doing my assignment... but till now i have done none... opps....

anyways spent the whole of today reading manga... History Strongest Disciple Kenichi!! Yeah~ speaking of it now, suddenly rmb i not watch its anime and naruto's anime for a long long time... sob sob...

ok la... shall have some self discipline and go study... well, hopefully... tv is alwaz so attractive!!

happy mooncake festival!! (ate alot of mooncake today!!)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ok, i am not a big fan of weilian, but he's really good:D did us proud in taiwan!!


Actual performance in super sunday(Part 1)

Actual performance in super sunday(Part 2)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Spoilt bag? Dun fretted:D Introducing to you an innovative way to fix your bag:D

Just use.....binder clips!

Clip the straps tgt... make sure u choose a clip that fits and clamp well...

Remove the levers... u won't want them sticking out...

Press towards one side...

Tata... removed!

There... the bag is fixed!!

Food recommendation

NTU canteen 14... Forgotten the name, but there's only one western food stall... It is super nice at it cost $3.50 only:D

My nails!! haha... Watermelon, strawberry, beetle etc... take your stand:D

Monday, September 10, 2007

For those who knows i worked part time on monday, i just quitted my job today... going to be so poor from now... but nvm la, i dun have friends having birthdays alr, except for one who i alr bought the present, so shouldn't be so bad now... at most i juz fast everyday lor... cut fats... haha! and also survive on valerie's cake!! haha...

Feel quite bad abt quitting, cos hor, they quite shorthanded, then i only tell them about it today... so bad of me la, but then if i dun do it now, i will never... actually i wanted to quit since last week, but i didn't... in the end i have to take taxi twice to school and pon my seminar because i dun have the time to study and is forced to study at home last min... so quoting ym, i am "buying time with money"... (the taxi trip from my hse to the school is arnd 30min, while if i go via mrt and bus, it will take 1.5h to 2h... so i alwaz make use of the time difference to study lor...)

Also cos i am turning from nocturnal to diurnal animal... so i can't study at night till 3-4am alr!! I will fall asleep at 12am or earlier la... that's so scary!! well, at least i wont have dark circles...

so all in all, i am quitting so that i can have more time to study and clear my reading Everest...

Yeah, that's all... hope i have the time to study and do well!!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Yeah, went out with them today!! hoho^O^

Well, wanx and farah gave me a boxful of nail polish...

This is my current collection...
I have 20 bottles altogether!! lol... each finger and toe can have a different colour...

Anyway since i posted the nail polish, also post the bag that val and caren give me in case val say i bias... hehe...
Oh yeah... this is the delicious cake val bake for me!! Thank You very much!! It'll be my breakfast and lunch for next week!!

Friday, September 07, 2007

What your name means

You entered: soh khai chee
There are 11 letters in your name.Those 11 letters total to 56There are 5 vowels and 6 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 11
The characteristics of #11 are: High spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer.
The expression or destiny for #11:Your Expression number is 11. The number 11 is the first of the master numbers. It is associated with idealistic concepts and rather spiritual issues. Accordingly, it is a number with potentials that are somewhat more difficult to live up to. You have the capacity to be inspirational, and the ability to lead merely by your own example. An inborn inner strength and awareness can make you an excellent teacher, social worker, philosopher, or advisor. No matter what area of work you pursue, you are very aware and sensitive to the highest sense of your environment. Your intuition is very strong; in fact, many psychic people and those involved in occult studies have the number 11 expression. You possess a good mind with keen analytical ability. Because of this you can probably succeed in most lines of work, however, you will do better and be happier outside of the business world. Oddly enough, even here you generally succeed, owing to your often original and unusual approach. Nonetheless, you are more content working with your ideals, rather than dollars and cents.
The positive aspect of the number 11 expression is an always idealistic attitude. Your thinking is long term, and you are able to grasp the far-reaching effects of actions and plans. You are disappointed by the shortsighted views of many of your contemporaries. You are deeply concerned and supportive of art, music, or of beauty in any form.
The negative attitudes associated with the number 11 expression include a continuous sense of nervous tension; you may be too sensitive and temperamental. You tend to dream a lot and may be more of a dreamer than a doer. Fantasy and reality sometimes become intermingled and you are sometimes very impractical. You tend to want to spread the illumination of your knowledge to others irrespective of their desire or need.
Your Soul Urge number is: 8
A Soul Urge number of 8 means: With an 8 soul urge, you have a natural flair for big business and the challenges imposed by the commercial world. Power, status and success are very important to you. You have strong urges to supervise, organize and lead. Material desires are also very pronounced. You have good executive abilities, and with these, confidence, energy and ambition.
Your mind is analytical and judgment sound; you're a good judge of material values and also human character. Self-controlled, you rarely let emotions cloud judgment. You are somewhat of an organizer at heart, and you like to keep those beneath you organized and on a proper track. This is a personality that wants to lead, not follow. You want to be known for your planning ability and solid judgment.
The negative aspects of the 8 soul urge are the often dominating and exacting attitude. You may have a tendency to be very rigid, sometimes stubborn.
Your Inner Dream number is: 3
An Inner Dream number of 3 means: You dream of artistic expression; writing, painting, music. You would seek to more freely express your inner feeling and obtain more enjoyment from life. You also dream of being more popular, likable, and appreciated.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


haha... dun ask why am i still here... just finished my presentation... wah lao, my grp ganna bombarded with questions!! krama!!

To-do list
201 test(20% of final grade)(due tmr)
202 Case study(discussion tmr)
IT Case study(due on sun morning)
meet jieying(next fri?)
meet farah(unknown)
meet jc clique(sun)
finish my readings which is a hill now(nv ever have time)
make up lesson for law(sat)
listen to 2 online lectures before they get taken down(urgent!)
study previous case studies!!

Everyone help me pray for my quiz!!

Monday, September 03, 2007

ok... i shld be studying... i have a ppt and a 20% quiz coming this week... but then i played this lame game, to see how long winded the creator can be... i put it at the LHS of my blog... bored ppl like shuk can go play... lol...

Sunday, September 02, 2007

sometimes u got to let ppl know that you care, if not they won't know...

i always have the tendency to fear that everyone has forgotten abt me, some sort of insecure feeling... but thanks for those who always rmb:D

I suddenly found another way to be happy, juz wanna share....

sometimes when u are too focus on what u dun have, you forgot what u have... u become unhappy thou u can be happy...
there was a moment recently when i felt really down... i failed to realise what i want/need is alr around me, and i was juz seeking for something more... superficial feelings takes over what really matters in the heart... but thank God i realised what wrong i was doing and manage to not miss the precious moments...
next time when u are feeling down becos of something you dun have, try to rmb what you do have... dun miss them...

wanted to blog about this on friday, but was interrupted cos need to do proj...

was queuing for lunch at this place in ntu then the queue was super long la... then queue for quite long and finally we gg to reach the place to order... cos the place was very congested, so between us and the place to order, there is this gap for ppl who bought the food to move to the counter to pay for it...

so there is this grp of ppl, from country-u-know-who, took advantage of the gap and just jumped the queue, right before us... so my fren went on to confront one of them but the person insist that he was right behind the girl in front of us... ya right, so he's invisible all the while?! usually if someone jump queue and another person confront him/her, asking him/her to go to the back of the queue, one will just go right? well, but that person was super THICK SKIN! he juz stayed there and refused to move, then even go quickly order... well, there's really nth we can do abt it... honestly i was really shocked... i really can't believe there is ppl of such thick skin... spoil his country image la... later my fren says, "no wonder la, ppl from country x dunno queue one wad"... erm, i am not going to say that i am someone who dun discriminate(i dun exactly like nor dislike them), but his action really leaves a bad impression of ppl from his country... Well, u gotta behave if u dun belong, cos i suppose there is alwaz some sort of discrimination going on... I suppose it's how human behave, being beings that form soical groups, we dun exactly like to have ppl from other grp joining becos we are not exactly used to them...

Anyway back to the point, as according to my friend, "You can accomplish alot things if your skin is thick enough"...

Totally agree, but is it worth your dignity?